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Washington, DC 20515
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District Office

9901 East Valley Ranch Parkway
Suite 3035
Irving, TX 75063
Phone:  972-556-0162
866-213-3803 (Tarrant County residents)
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Committee Assignments

  • Education and Labor Committee
    The Education and Labor Committee's purpose is to ensure that Americans' needs are addressed so that students and workers may move forward in a changing school system and a competitive global economy. The Committee and its five subcommittees oversee education and workforce programs that affect all Americans, from early learning through secondary education, from job training through retirement.

  • House Financial Services Committee
    The House Financial Services Committee oversees all components of the nation's housing and financial services sectors including banking, insurance, real estate, public and assisted housing, and securities. The Committee continually reviews the laws and programs relating to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and international development and finance agencies such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The Committee also ensures enforcement of housing and consumer protection laws such as the U.S. Housing Act, the Truth In Lending Act, the Housing and Community Development Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, the Community Reinvestment Act, and financial privacy laws.

  • Oversight and Government Reform Committee
    The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is the main investigative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. It has authority to investigate the subjects within the Committee’s legislative jurisdiction as well as “any matter” within the jurisdiction of the other standing House Committees.


Energy & Environment

Foreign Policy & Defense
Gun Rights

Immigration & Border Security


Veterans Affairs

Economy Economy

As a member of the Financial Services Committee, Congressman Marchant is ideally positioned to help strengthen the economy with fiscally responsible legislation. A strong supporter of lowering taxes for families and small businesses, Marchant believes tax relief not only increases investment opportunities but stimulates job growth and innovation. One of Marchant’s top priorities in Congress is to reduce the national deficit and balance the budget.

Education Education

Congressman Marchant believes every child is entitled to a quality education. As a member of the Education and Labor Committee, Marchant supports scholastic excellence through accountability and flexibility for teachers, parents, and students. Marchant believes greater state flexibility will increase opportunities for our students and educators. In addition, Texas should further address children who do not qualify for special education services and English as a Second Language (ESL) learners who cannot speak or write proficiently in English. By improving our resources and increasing our standards, Americans will be better prepared to compete in the global economy.

energy Energy & Environment

Energy independence is inextricably linked with our national security and the health of our environment. The plight Americans face with rising oil and gas prices is caused by our dependence on oil from the Persian Gulf and foreign countries. Congressman Marchant supports enhancing America’s energy independence through an “all of the above” approach: increasing domestic energy exploration and production, investing heavily in clean renewable and alternative energy technologies, and providing incentives for conservation and efficiency measures. Marchant believes a diversified and forward-looking energy policy will best protect our economic prosperity, national security, and environment.

Second Ammendment Gun Rights

As a cosponsor of numerous pro-gun bills, Congressman Marchant has developed a well-earned reputation as a defender of Second Amendment rights. While representing Texas Congressional District 24, Marchant cosponsored legislation requiring all states to honor concealed carry permits and reforming the regulations governing firearm dealers. Although these measures may help deter crime, Marchant has also supported bills that promote justice after a crime has been committed. The best solution to gun violence is to punish the individual pulling the trigger, not the firearm owners who obey the law. Marchant will continue to support the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

Immigration Immigration & Border Security

A staunch advocate for increased border security and a member of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, Congressman Marchant understands the concern all Texans feel on this critical issue. Throughout his twenty years in the Texas and U.S. House of Representatives, Marchant has seen firsthand how illegal immigration undermines the rule of law and our communities. Marchant will continue to support increased border security and advocate against amnesty and Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants. Becoming a U.S. citizen and earning rights associated with this title are privileges reserved for those who respect U.S. laws and go through the legal immigration process.

Foreign Policy and Defense Foreign Policy & Defense

Congressman Marchant is committed to protecting our nation at home and our interests abroad with a strong, principled and rational foreign policy. Marchant favors diplomacy and working in concert with other nations to help spread the cause of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. He supported the troop surge under General David Petraeus in order to stabilize Iraq. Marchant applauds the advances that have been made in recent months but recognizes there is still work to be done. Having visited the troops on the frontlines, Marchant believes that, with the assistance of the U.S., Iraq is on the pathway to democracy.

Medicare Medicare

Congressman Marchant believes all senior citizens should have access to affordable, high-quality healthcare. Congress took great steps toward realizing this goal in 2003 by passing the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act, (H.R. 1). This bill was signed into law by President Bush later that year, and has proven invaluable in making a belief a reality. Surveys show senior citizens agree and independent polls consistently show 80 percent of enrollees are satisfied with the new plan. The current Medicare program has shown to be more than just effective, it has proven to be efficient as well. In fact, as a direct result of competition and negotiation, the program will cost $373 billion less over the next 10 years than originally predicted. Marchant is committed to securing Medicare not only for current retirees and those approaching retirement, but to those of future generations as well.

Medicaid Medicaid

Medicaid is funded jointly by federal and state governments in order to finance medical and long-term care services for more that 40 million low-income families, elderly, and disabled. As such, it serves as the cornerstone of America's healthcare safety net. Unfortunately, Medicaid is facing a period of quickly escalating costs at a time when the need among the population it serves is rising.

Congressman Marchant believes Medicaid needs to be reformed to engage patients and providers in cost containment, as private insurers have done and as we have accomplished through Medicare reform. Many states have developed options for Medicaid beneficiaries to manage their home and community-based providers. The premise underlying consumer direction is that the individual receiving the services is able to determine what he or she requires and can use good judgment in purchasing those services and overseeing their delivery. It is Congressman Marchant’s hope that proposals will be a good first step toward initiating a public dialogue on the incredibly challenging issues surrounding Medicaid and our other entitlement programs.

Veterans Affairs Veterans Affairs

Veterans are owed our utmost respect and deserve to be taken care of. House Republicans have long been committed to ensuring veterans receive the benefits they have earned. For many vets, maintaining proficient health coverage is a chief concern. Although we may never be able to thank them enough for their service, providing excellent healthcare for our veterans is a good place to start. It is our duty to protect those who never failed in their duty to protect us.

During the 109th Congress, Marchant supported an increase in the veteran's budget to $78 billion, a boost of 18 percent over last year's total. He also voted for measures that would ease the transition of veterans out of military service and assist those interested in finding a job or beginning a college education. By creating small business opportunities for veterans, we have established a three-percent annual government-wide goal in federal contracting and subcontracting for service-disabled veteran-owned businesses. Veterans and service members can now use VA education benefits to attend non-degree/non-credit entrepreneurship courses and compete for federal contracts through new set aside grants.

Marchant has partnered with the Library of Congress in creating a program dedicated to veterans, The Veteran’s History Project for Texas Congressional District 24. I encourage all veterans to visit here to learn more about this invaluable opportunity.