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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Website Awarded Silver Mouse Award January 14, 2008
New Mexico Lawmaker’s Website Among the Best in Congress

Albuquerque, N.M. – Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM) has been honored for having one of the best websites in Congress. Wilson’s website was awarded the Silver Mouse Award in rankings done by the Congressional Management Foundation (CMF). CMF is a non-profit, non-partisan management, consulting, and research organization in Washington, D.C.

Wilson’s Congressional website (http://wilson.house.gov) is one of only 104 websites awarded a Gold, Silver, or Bronze award for outstanding Congressional websites. More than 600 Congressional websites were reviewed, including those of all Senate and House Members and Delegates, committees (both majority and minority sites) and official leadership sites.

“I am very pleased my website has been recognized with the 2007 Silver Mouse Award,” said Wilson. “Our website is an on-line office that people in New Mexico can use to access information about Congress, and the services we provide. When people need help with a federal agency, or have questions about the things we’re working on for New Mexico, they can turn to my on-line office. I’m also proud of our weekly electronic newsletter and encourage New Mexicans to sign-up for it at http://wilson.house.gov.”

Web sites were graded on how well they incorporate five basic building blocks which extensive research identified as critical for effectiveness – audience, content, usability, interactivity, and innovation.

“Congresswoman Wilson’s website shows that she understands the value of creating a virtual office to reach specific audiences who have come to expect having their needs met online,” said Beverly Bell, CMF’s Executive Director. “The Congressional Management Foundation congratulates Heather Wilson for having a website that is among the best-of-the-best on Capitol Hill, and we are pleased to present her with the 2007 Silver Mouse Award.”

  To identify the awards, CMF analyzed 618 congressional Web sites, including those of all Senate and House Members, committees (both majority and minority sites), and official leadership sites. CMF awarded 36 Gold, 34 Silver, and 34 Bronze Mouse Awards.

Visit Wilson’s award-winning website at http://wilson.house.gov, and sign up for her weekly e-newsletter to stay up-to-date with Wilson’s work in Congress for New Mexico.

A full copy of the report, the 2007 Gold Mouse Report: Lessons from the Best Web Sites on Capitol Hill, is available on the Congressional Management Foundation’s Web site at www.cmfweb.org.

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