First Congressional District of New Mexico


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442 Cannon House
Office Building
Washington, DC
202-225-6316 Phone
202-225-4975 Fax
In Albuquerque
20 First Plaza NW
Suite 603
Albuquerque, NM
505-346-6781 Phone
505-346-6723 Fax

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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Jobs and our Economy
    Our economy is growing, and strong, creating millions of new jobs. Unemployment is at record lows. We must continue to support policies that create jobs...
    New Mexicans should have access to affordable, high quality health care where patients come first...
National Security
    New Mexico has a unique and important role in our national security through our bases, personnel and national laboratories that help keep New Mexico a leader in defense-related technological research and development...
    We need a good public school in every neighborhood so that every child can get a great education. Heather supports increased funds for education, better teacher training, high standards and accountability for results...
    More than one in ten New Mexicans has worn the uniform of our nation’s Armed Forces. We owe our freedom fighters—past, present, and future—a debt of gratitude for their selflessness and sacrifice.

Legislative Resources
Ask Heather your questions on current legislation.

My priority as your advocate in Washington is to work on legislation which will benefit you and your family and the people of New Mexico. My best sources of information about what needs to be done are the thousands of people who have taken time to write to me or call the office or visit with me personally when I'm in the Albuquerque area. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me!

Copies of current legislation and public laws are available from my office if you cannot find them on the Web. To request legislation, please have the bill number and title. Legislation starts with either "H.R." for bills originating in the House of Representatives or "S" for bills originating in the Senate. To request public laws, please have the public law number. The number will have either 5 or 6 digits, depending upon the year of proposal and will have a hyphen before the final 3 digits.

You can e-mail your request to ask.heather@mail.house.gov
. Include the words "Copy of a Law" in the comments box.

Rep. Heather Wilson's signature graphic


Find it on the Web graphic

There are many helpful Legislative resources available to you on the World Wide Web. Here is a small sampling of links that contain useful information.

Legislation Sponsored
You can find Legislation Rep. Wilson has sponsored in the 110th Congress here.

Legislation Co-Sponsored
You can find Legislation Rep. Wilson has co-sponsored in the 110th Congress here.

House Floor Summary
Current House Floor proceedings are recorded here.

The Library of Congress
The Library of Congress provides searchable information about the U.S. Congress and the legislative process. You can browse the Congressional Record, find bills, or look at committee reports.

Updated continuously, GOP.gov gives you with a concise view of national events and issues being discussed on Capitol Hill.

Internet Law Library
The Internet Law Library offers free public access to the basic documents of U.S. law including a full text searchable copy of the U.S. Code.

Legislative Information System of the U.S. Congress
This system serves as a database for all legislative action.

Whip Notice
The Minority Whip provides the House weekly calendar of legislation to be considered by the House during the week.

U.S. House of Representatives’ Committees
You can access committees’ homepages to learn more about their jurisdiction and what they are addressing currently.

Media Resources

They provide public access to the political process.

Rich Galen’s cyber-column is a great site for the inside scoop on what's happening in Washington.

These newspapers provide up-to-date breaking political news:
CNN Inside Politics

FOX News Politics

MSNBC Politics

The Washington Times Politics

The Washington Post Politics

Other Resources

GOV: Making Government User-Friendly
Gov allows you to access “every publicly accessible official government information channel.”

This website offers information and networking regarding federal agencies, Supreme Court, State and Local officials, Congress, and sending letters to elected officials.

The Heritage Foundation
This site includes great features like a tax calculator and substantive information about issues facing Congress.

The CATO Institute
The Cato Institute undertakes an extensive publications program dealing with the complete spectrum of public policy issues.

The National Taxpayers Union
The National Taxpayers Union’s mission is “to educate taxpayers, the media, and elected officials on a non-partisan basis on the merits of limited government and low taxes.”


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