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The trick is, no matter where you are, act like you *belong* there.
I am holding a physical CD copy of a new album. Can't remember the last time that happened, and can't imagine it will ever happen again.
Genius Twitter business plan: Enable the red "Important!" exclamation point from email for tweets, and then have people pay not to see it.
OH: "screw science. i've got logic. *evil cackle*"
One of Miley Cyrus' backup dancers is wearing a full-body bodysuit covered with the word "blog". I have to liveblog:
@kanyewest Hell yes, finally somebody wants to top Elvis! And computers *are* supposed to get smaller and faster.
Next spring they should just give the Grammy to whomever broke Kanye's heart. She did all the work.
@jayrosen_nyu Response has been pretty varied. from "just curious" to "this is exactly what I need". But a consistent undercurrent of worry.
Once again, my direct messages are better as public updates.
Hanging out with you! When/where?
@jaykrall has done the research: The Dow is down 2300 since the puppycam litter was born! CAN HANK POULSON STOP THE PUPPIES??!
Has anybody charted the puppycam's effect on the stock market? This has been destroying productivity globally for weeks.
feeling bad about unintentionally insulting someone i respect.
It turns out that TypePad Journalist Bailout Program I wrote up took off. So I explained a bit about it on our blog:
Having that moment of panic about "Oh shit did I just type that into the wrong box on the screen?" Turns out, no.
@dollarshort You are a good blogger. I enjoyed this post. A+ would read again.
And as always, Beyonce makes everything better. I think I might like Sasha Fierce even better than Beyonce, especially paired with JT.
Thinking about soup and grief and Hindi and cookies.
What do you mean my aggressive self-righteousness isn't persuasive? Perhaps if I were yelling louder? Insulting you more?


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