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Lincoln Statement on Geithner Selection

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 24, 2008
Contact: Katie Laning (202)224-4843

Washington – U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) released the following statement regarding the selection of Timothy Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury:


“There is no doubt we are facing one of the most severe economic challenges in our nation’s history. I am pleased that President-Elect Obama has nominated an individual with strong credentials and a substantial record of public service in the financial sector, most recently serving as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 


“As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, I look forward to the opportunity to visit with Mr. Geithner to discuss his plan to restore soundness to our financial markets and confidence in our economic system.  In these tough economic times, we need a Treasury Secretary with the experience and judgment to lead us through this storm.  Through the confirmation process, I’m hopeful we will determine that Mr. Geithner is the right person for the job.” 

