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» Spending Plan Includes 3.1% Civil Service Raise, November 24, 2005
Federal employees are on track for an average pay increase of 3.1 percent next year.
» Hoyer likes Democrats' chances in 2006, November 06, 2005
Ask Rep. Steny H. Hoyer what Democrats need to do to win back control of the House next year, and his first response is a barely suppressed chuckle.
» Congressional Democrats pledge reform in Washington, October 06, 2005
Congressional Democrats stepped up attacks on what they called Republicans' "culture of cronyism and corruption" on Thursday, trying to capitalize on a spate of ethics scandals and the Bush administration's heavily criticized response to Hurricane Katrina.
» GOP Agenda Still in Turmoil as Congress Grants Itself Six-Week Extension, September 30, 2005
With a new fiscal year imminent and most of their spending bills left unfinished, congressional Republicans on September 29 were forced to act on a temporary funding extension while struggling to regain control of their agenda.
» A Way For Democrats To Regain Credibility That GOP Now Enjoys, September 22, 2005
Fifteen Democratic members of the House of Representatives have produced a document and a strategy they hope will convince substantial numbers of voters who don’t trust them on national security to begin trusting them again. Led by Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland, “Ensuring America’s Strength and Security: A Democratic National Security Strategy for the 21st Century” is an attempt by at least some Democrats to reclaim this issue from Republicans and return the Democratic Party to majority status.
» House Democrats' New Security Strategy Calls for More CTR Funding, September 22, 2005
House Democrats, led by Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), are calling for tripling the budget for the Pentagon’s Cooperative Threat Reduction program and other nonproliferation initiatives as part of a new national security strategy unveiled Sept 15.
» For the Record, September 19, 2005
Leading Democrats opposed a recommendation by a private commission to require all Americans to show a photo identification card before being allowed to vote.
» Democrats reassert allegiance to security , September 18, 2005
WASHINGTON Decades ago, Democrats with names like Kennedy and Roosevelt and Truman were known for their tough-minded views on military and foreign policy and their ability to lead the nation in times of conflict.
» House Dems Advocate Ramp Up In Nonprolif Spending, September 16, 2005
Efforts to stem the spread of nuclear weapons are at the center of a Democratic national security strategy put forward by House leaders last week, with legislators advocating a significant increase in spending on nonproliferation and a dramatic acceleration of cooperative nonproliferation programs with Russia.
» Employee share of health insurance premiums to climb 10 percent , September 15, 2005
Enrollees in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program will see an estimated 10 percent average increase in premiums for fiscal 2006, the Office of Personnel Management announced Thursday.
» House Democrats unveil defense proposal, September 15, 2005
House Democrats unveiled a 12-page plan on Thursday that they hope to use to shows they can be as tough on defense as Republicans.
» Hoyer to Unveil Panel’s Foreign Policy Proposals, September 15, 2005
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has assembled a kitchen cabinet of fellow moderate Members to shape the Democratic strategy on national security issues and battle perceptions that the party is weak on defense.
» Hurricane Katrina Information and Relief Efforts, September 06, 2005
Hurricane Katrina Information and Relief Efforts
» Social Security turns 70 as Congress debates the system's future, August 10, 2005
When President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law 70 years ago Sunday, he told Americans the system would save them from "a poverty-ridden old age."
» Lawmakers Push for Solution to Delays in Full Pension Payments, August 08, 2005
Key House members have served notice at the Office of Personnel Management that they are concerned about delays in processing and approving full pension payments to federal employees who have filed their retirement papers.
» Bill Targets Errant Pilots, July 27, 2005
Pilots who violate restricted airspace over Washington would be liable for civil fines of up to $100,000 under legislation that is to be introduced today by Republican and Democratic House leaders.
» Social Security Battle Pits Bush Against Democrats, Own Party, July 27, 2005
Separate White House and congressional events yesterday spotlighted the deep divisions over changing Social Security, laying the battle lines for a fall fight that pits President Bush not only against Democrats but also against some leaders in his own party.
» Social Security stymies Hill GOP, July 18, 2005
House Republicans, usually well-organized and focused, seem befuddled on a Social Security strategy, disagreeing on everything from when to act to what provisions to include in a final bill.
» At Rally, Searing Rhetoric Against Overhauling the Defense Personnel System, July 13, 2005
Washington's hot and humid weather served as a battle cry for several speakers at a union rally yesterday in a Senate park across Constitution Avenue from the Capitol.
» OMB Projects Reduced Budget Deficit for Fiscal 2005, on Track with Bush’s Goal, July 13, 2005
The federal budget deficit for the current fiscal year is projected to be $333 billion, down sharply from $427 billion forecast in February, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) said Wednesday.
» Peripheral Concerns Begin to Affect Outlook for Overhaul of Social Security, July 08, 2005
Proponents for an overhaul of Social Security are turning pessimistic that legislation will pass, as the Senate Finance Committee remains gnarled over the issue and the full chamber prepares to debate at least one Supreme Court nominee.
» US Lawmakers Call London Attacks 'Cowardly,' 'Barbaric' , July 07, 2005
U.S. Congressional leaders Thursday called the suspected terrorist attacks on London commuters earlier in the day "cowardly" and "barbaric". The U.S. Congress is in a week-long recess, but congressmen and senators were quick to react to the attacks through their press offices.
» Letter From House Democrats to President Bush, June 29, 2005
We are writing to request that you submit a FY 2005 supplemental funding request adding at least $1.3 billion to address the shortfall in veterans’ health care funding that your Administration has identified.
» Talk of Social Security’s Solvency Gets Diluted as GOP Pushes Personal Accounts, June 28, 2005
The idea of securing Social Security’s solvency has been relegated to a sideshow as congressional Republicans focus on a proposal to create individual accounts from the program’s surplus.
» GOP Sounded the Alarm But Didn't Respond to It, June 24, 2005
For six months, Republicans have traveled the country as fiscal Paul Reveres, sounding the alarm about the coming collapse of Social Security.


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