Abernathy Fish Technology Center
Pacific Region

Publications List 1995 - present

Current and former staff names are in bold italics.

Araki, H., W. R. Ardren, E. Olsen, B. Cooper, and M. S. Blouin.  2007.  Reproductive success of captive-bred steelhead trout in the wild: evaluation of three hatchery programs in the Hood River.  Conservation Biology 21 (1), 181–190.

Araki, H., R.S. Waples, W. R. Ardren, B. Cooper, and M. S. Blouin.  2007.  Effective population  size of steelhead trout: influence of variance in reproductive success, hatchery programs, and genetic compensation between life-history forms.  Molecular Ecology 16:953-966.

Ardren, W.R., L. Amata, J. Whalen and P.W. DeHaan. 2007. Characterization of 16 highly variable tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Oregon chub (Oregonichthys crameri) and cross amplification in the Umpqua chub (O. kalawatseti). Molecular Ecology Notes 7:808-810.

Ardren, W. R. and A. R. Kapuscinski. 2003. Demographic and genetic estimates of effective population size (Ne) reveals genetic compensation in steelhead trout. Molecular Ecology 12:35-49.

Ardren, W. R. 2004. Gene flow underwater. BioScience 54(5): 463.

Banks, J. L., and E. M. LaMotte.  2002.  Effects of four density levels on Tule fall Chinook salmon during hatchery rearing and after release.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 64:24-33.

Bartholomew, J. L., M. J. Whipple, and D. Campton.  2001.  Inheritance of resistance to Ceratomyxa shasta in progeny from crosses between high- and low-susceptibility strains of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss.  Bulletin of the National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Supplement 5:71-75.

Bauer, W. F., K. G. Ostrand, T. M. Sutton, and R. W. Greil.  2005.  Changes in population structure of yellow perch following a manual removal.  Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 113(2):109-114.

Baumsteiger, J., Hankin, D., and E. J. Loudenslager.  2005.  Genetics analyses of juvenile steelhead, coastal cutthroat trout, and their hybrids differ substantially from field identifications.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:829-840.

Burger, C. V.  2002.  A global perspective on sustaining fisheries in the 21st Century B transitioning beyond existing paradigms to an integrated, ecosystem approach.  Fisheries Science 68 (Supplement 1):14-19.

Burger, C. V.  2002.  Education and exchange programs for international students in the U.S. - a brief overview.  Fisheries Science 68 (Supplement 1): 1919-1921.

Burger, C. V., K. T. Schribner, W. J. Spearman, C. O. Swanton, and D. E. Campton.  2000.  Genetic contribution of three introduced life history forms of sockeye salmon to colonization of Frazer Lake, Alaska.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:2096-2111.

Burger, C. V.  1999.  The needs of salmon and steelhead in balancing their conservation and use. In E. E. Knudsen, C. R. Steward, D. D. MacDonald, J. E. Williams, and D. W. Reiser editors.  Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon. Lewis Publishers, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL.

Burger, C. V., W. J. Spearman, and M. A. Cronin.  1997.  Genetic differentiation of sockeye salmon subpopulations from a geologically young lake system.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126:926-938.

Campton, D. E. and L. R. Kaeding.  2005.  Westslope cutthroat trout, hybridization, and the U. S. Endangered Species Act.  Conservation Biology 19:1324-1325.

Campton, D. E., A. L. Bass, F. A. Chapman, and B. W. Bowen.  2000.  Genetic distinction of pallid, shovelnose, and Alabama sturgeon: emerging species and the US Endangered Species Act.  Conservation Genetics 1:17-32.

Campton, D. E.  2004.  Sperm competition in salmon hatcheries:  the need to institutionalize genetically-benign spawning protocols.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1277-1289.

Campton, D. E.  1998.  Pikefish, not pikeminnow.  Fisheries 23(11):38.

Campton, D. E.  1997.  Genetic effects of hatcheries on wild populations of Pacific salmon and steelhead: overview of fact and speculation, p. 1-17.  In: E.L. Brannon and W.C. Kinsel (eds.), Proceedings of the Columbia River Anadromous Salmonid Rehabilitation and Passage Symposium.   Richland, Washington, June 5-7, 1995.  Aquaculture Research Institute, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.

Campton, D. E.  1995.  Genetic effects of hatchery fish on wild populations of Pacific salmon and steelhead: what do we really know? Pages 337-353 in H. Schramm, Jr. and R. G. Piper, editors.  Uses and effect of cultured fishes in aquatic ecosystems.  American Fisheries Society, Symposium 15, Bethesda, MD.

DeHaan, P. W. and W. R. Ardren.  2005.  Characterization of 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci for bull trout Salvelinus confluentus and cross amplification in other Salvelinus species.  Molecular Ecology Notes 5:582-585.

DeHaan, P. W., S. T. Libants, R. F. Elliott, and K. T. Scribner.  2006.  Genetic population structure of remnant lake sturgeon populations in the upper Great Lakes Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:1478-1492. 

DeHaan, P. W., C. A. Barfoot, W. R. Ardren. 2008. Genetic Analysis of Bull Trout Populations on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, p. 145-153. In Proceedings of the Wild Trout IX Symposium.

DeHaan, P. W., G. R. Jordan and W. R. Ardren. 2008. Use of genetic tags to identify captive-bred pallid sturgeon in the wild: improving abundance estimates for an endangered species. Conservation Genetics 9:691-697.

Diggs, M. D., and W. R. Ardren. In Press. Characterization of 12 highly variable tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) and cross amplification in other Thymallus species. Molecular Ecology Notes.

Finn, J. E., C. V. Burger, and L. Holland-Bartels.  1997.  Discrimination among populations of sockeye salmon fry with Fourier analysis of otolith banding patterns formed during incubation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 126:559-578.

Gale, W. L., R. Patiño, and A. G. Maule. 2004. Interaction of xenobiotics with estrogen receptors alpha and beta and a putative plasma sex hormone binding globulin from channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology: 136(3): 338-345.

Gale, W. L., A. G. Maule, A. Postera, and M. H.Peters.  2004.  Acute exposure to gas - supersaturated water does not affect reproductive success of female adult Chinook salmon late in maturation.  River Research and Applications 20:565-571.

Gale, W. L., C. R. Pasley, B. M. Kennedy, and K. G. OstrandIn press.  Juvenile steelhead release strategies: a comparison of volitional and forced release practices.  North American Journal of Aquaculture.
Gannam, A. L. In press.  Feeding activity in teleost fish:  Influence of biotic and abiotic factors.  In: Feeding and Digestive Functions of Fishes, J. E. P. Cyrino, D. Bureau and B. G. Kapoor, editors.  Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH

Gannam, A. L.  2006.  Captive broodstock nutrition: what are we forgetting?, p. 21-22. In:  B. Berejikian and C. Nash (eds), Proceedings of the Workshop on Captive Broodstocks for Recovery of Imperiled Salmonid Populations, Gig Harbor, WA, June 25-26, 2002. 67 pp. National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Resource Enhancement and Utilization Technologies Division, Manchester Research Station, Manchester, WA.

Gannam, A.  2005.  Immunostimulants in fish diets. Pp 93-102, In, Proceedings of the 1o Simpósio de Nutrição e Saúde de Peixes, Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil. November 7-9.

Gannam, A. L.  1997.  Development of open formula diets and new feeding strategies: A progress report. Pages 15-27. In R. Z. Smith editor. Proceedings of the 48th Northwest Fish Culture Conference, Gleneden Beach, OR, December 2-4, 1997. National Marine Fisheries Service. Portland, OR.

Gannam, A. L., and R. M. Schrock.  2001.  Immunostimulants in fish diets. Pages 235-266. In C. Limm and C. D. Webster editors.  Nutrition and Fish Health. The Haworth Press. New York, New York.

Gannam, A. L., and R. M. Schrock.  1999.  Immunostimulants in fish diets.  Journal of Applied Aquaculture 9(4):53-89.

Gharrett, A. J., A. P. Matala, E. L. Peterson, A. K. Gray and Z. Li. 2005. Two Genetically Distinct Forms of Rougheye Rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) are Different Species. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:242-260.

Glenn, R. A. and P. W. Taylor.  2006.  Population thinning to control furunculosis Aeromans salmonicida in steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 68(4): 355-358.

Gill, N., D. A. Higgs , B. J. Skura, M. Rowshandeli, B. Dosanjh, J. Mann, and A. L. Gannam.  2006.  Effect of varying dietary concentrations of partially dehulled and extruded sunflower meal (SFM) on growth performance of post juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. reared in sea water.  Aquaculture Research 37:1348-1359.

Gomez-Uchida D., E. A. Hoffman, W. R. Ardren, and M. A. Banks.  2003.  Microsatellite markers for the heavily exploited canary Sebastes pinniger and other rockfish species.  Molecular Ecology Notes 3(3): 387-389.

Hard, J. J., D. G. Elliott, R. J. Pascho, D. M. Chase, L. K. Park, J. R. Winton, and D. E. Campton.  2006.  Genetics effects of ELISA-based segregation for control of bacterial kidney disease in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 2793-2808.

Henne, J. P., M. M. Romero, T. V. Martinez, B. Fillmore, A. L. Gannam, G. J. Carmichael.  2006.  Performance of the endangered bonytail Gila elegans fed four commercial diets.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 68:217-223.

Hill M. S., G. B. Zydlewski, J. D. Zydlewski, and J. M. Gasvoda.  2006.  Development and evaluation of portable PIT tag detection units: PITpacks.  Fisheries Research 77:102-109.

Hill M. S., G. B. Zydlewski, and W. L. Gale.  2006.  Comparisons between hatchery and wild steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss smolts:  Physiology and habitat use.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:1627-1638.

Holliman, F. M., J. B. Reynolds, and J.A.S. Holmes. In press. Time-course influences injury detection in electroshocked juvenile Chinook salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

Holt, R. A., P. W. Taylor, and J. M. Bertolini.  2003.  Bacterial diseases of fish.  In: Suggested Procedures for the Detection and Identification of Certain Finfish and Shellfish Pathogens.  Blue Book 5th Edition, 2003, Fish Health Section, American Fisheries Society.

Jones, A. G. and W. R. Ardren.  2003.  Methods of parentage analysis in natural populations. Molecular Ecology 12:2511-2523.

Kennedy, B. M., and C. Luecke.  In press. Distinct distributions of two endemic benthic whitefish species (Prosopium spilonotus; P. abyssicola) relate to trade-offs in conditions for growth and predation risk. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Kennedy B. M., W. L. Gale, and K. G. Ostrand.  2007.  The relationship between smolt development and migration timing to avian predation risk of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in a large estuary.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:1506-1516.

Kennedy B. M., W. L. Gale, and K. G. Ostrand.  2007.  Evaluation of clove oil concentrations for use as an anaesthetic during field processing and passive integrated transponder implantation of juvenile steelhead.  Northwest Science 81(2):147-154.

Kennedy, B. M., B.W. Thompson, and C. Luecke.  2006.  Ecological differences between two closely related morphologically similar benthic whitefish in an endemic whitefish complex.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:1700-1709. 

Matala, A. P., A. K. Gray, J. Heifetz and A. J. Gharrett. 2004. Population structure of Alaskan shortraker rockfish, Sebastes borealis, inferred from microsatellite variation. Environmental Biology of Fishes 69:201–210.

Maule, A.G., A. Gannam, and J. Davis.  2006.  A survey of chemical constituents in National Fish Hatchery fish feed.  Final Report for USGS/USFWS Science Support Project 01-FH-05.

Maule, A.G., A. L. Gannam, and J. W. Davis.  2007.  Chemical contaminants in fish feeds used in federal salmonid hatcheries in the USA.  Chemosphere 67:1308-1315.

Mesa, M. G., L. K. Weiland, G. B. Zydlewski. 2004. Critical swimming speeds of wild bull trout. Northwest Science 78(1):59-65.

Miracle, A.L., and D. E. Campton.  1995.  Tandem repeat sequence variation and length heteroplasmy in the mitochondrial DNA D-loop of the threatened Gulf of Mexico sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus desotoi.  Journal of Heredity 86:22-27.

Mobrand, L. E., J. Barr, L. Blankenship, D. E. Campton, T. T. P. Evelyn, T. A. Flagg, C. V. W. Mahnken, L. W. Seeb, P. R. Seidel, and W. W. Smoker.  2005.  Hatchery reform in Washington State: principles and emerging issues. Fisheries 30(6):11-23.

Narum S. R., M. Banks, T. Beacham, R. Bellinger, M. Campbell, J. DeKoning, A. Elz, C. Guthrie, C. Kozfkay, K. Miller, P. Moran, R. Phillips, L. Seeb, C. T. Smith, K. Warheit, S. Young, J. C. Garza.  In press.  Differentiating populations at broad and fine geographic scales with microsatellites and SNPs.  Molecular Ecology.

Odeh, M, R. M. Schrock, and A. L. Gannam.  2004.  Comparative hydraulics of two fishery research circular tanks and recommendations for control of experimental bias. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 14(3/4):1-23.

Olson, D. E., B. Spateholts, M. Paiya, and D. E. Campton.  2004.  Salmon hatcheries for the 21st Century: a model at Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery. Pages 585-602.  In: Nickum, M.J., P.M. Mazik, J.G. Nichum, and D.D. MacKinlay editors.  Propagated Fish in Resource Management. American Fisheries Society Symposium 44.  American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, Maryland.

Ostrand, K. G., M. J. Siepker, and S. J. Cooke.  2006.  Capture efficiencies of two hook types and associated injury and mortality of juvenile muskellunge angled with live baitfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:622-627.

Ostrand, K. G., S. J. Cooke, J. E. Garvey, and D. H. Wahl.  2005.  The energetic impact of overwinter prey assemblages on age-0 largemouth bass. Environmental Biology of Fishes 72(3):305-311.

Ostrand, K. G., W. F. Bauer, M. J. Siepker, S. J. Cooke and D. H. Wahl.  2005.  Largemouth bass catch rates and injury from inline and offset circle hooks.  Fisheries Research 74:306-311.

Pirhonen, J., C. B. Schreck, and A. Gannam.  2000.  Appetite of Chinook Oncorhynchus tshawytscha naturally infected with bacterial kidney disease.  Aquaculture 189: 1-10.

Rossi, A. R., M. Capula, D. Crosetti, L. Sola, and D. E. Campton.  1998.  Allozyme variation in global populations of striped mullet, Mugil cephalus (Pisces: mugilidae).  Marine Biology 131:203-212.

Rossi, A. R., M. Capula, D. Crosetti, D. E. Campton, and L. Sola.  1998.  Genetic divergence and phylogenetic inferences in five species of Mugilidae (Pisces: Perciformes).  Marine Biology 131:213-218. 

Seeb, L. W., A. Antonovich, M. A. Banks, T. D. Beacham, M. R. Bellinger, M. Campbell, J. C. Garza, C. M. III Guthrie, P. Moran, S. R. Narum, J. J. Stephenson, K. J. Supernault, D. J. Teel, W. D. Templin, J. K. Wenburg, S. F. Young, C. T. Smith.  2007. Development of a Standardized DNA Database for Chinook Salmon. Fisheries 32(11): 540 - 552.

Siepker, M. J., K. G. Ostrand, S. C. Cooke, and D. H. Wahl.  2007.  A review of black bass (Micropterus spp) catch-and-release angling effects: implications for conservation and management.  Fisheries Management and Ecology 14:91-101.

Siepker, M. J., D. H. Wahl, D. P. Philipp, and K. G. Ostrand.  2006.  Evidence of reduced reproductive success of nesting largemouth bass sampled with standard electrofishing procedures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:631-635.

Siepker, M. J., K. G. Ostrand, D. P. Philipp, and D. H. Wahl.  2005.  Nest abandonment of electrofished largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

Siepker, M. J., K. G. Ostrand, D. H. Wahl.  2006.  Effects of angling on feeding by largemouth bass.  Journal of Fish Biology 69:783-793.

Siepker, M. J., K. G. Ostrand, D. H. Wahl.  2005.  Effects of angling on largemouth bass feeding: Implications for growth.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Smith, C. T., A. Antonovich, W. D. Templin, S. R. Narum, C. M. Elfstrom, L. W. Seeb. In Press. Impacts of marker class bias relative to locus-specific variability on population inferences in Chinook salmon; a comparison of SNPs to STRs and allozymes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.

Taylor, P. W.  2004.  Detection of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in eggs and sexual fluids of Pacific salmonids by a polymerase chain reaction assay: implications for vertical transmission of bacterial coldwater disease. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 15:104-108.

Taylor, P. W.  2003.  Multiple microbial resistance in a chronic bacteremia of Koi (Cyprinus carpio koi).  North American Journal of Aquaculture 65:120-125.

Taylor, P. W. and A. E. Goodwin.  2003.  Parasitic diseases of fish.  In: Suggested Procedures for the Detection and Identification of Certain Finfish and Shellfish Pathogens.  Blue Book 5th Edition, 2003, Fish Health Section, American Fisheries Society.

Taylor, P. W., and J. R. Winton.  2002.  Optimization of nested polymerase chain reaction assays for identification of Aeromonas salmonicida, Yersinia ruckeri, and Flavobacterium psychrophilum.  Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 14(3):216-224.

Taylor, P. W., and S. D. Roberts.  1999.  Clove oil: an alternative anaesthetic for aquaculture.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 61:150-155.

Thompson, K. R., S. D. Rawles, L. S.Metts, Re’Gie Smith, A. Wimsatt, A. L. Gannam, R. G. Twibell, R.  B. Johnson, Y. J. Brady, and C. D. Webster. 2008.  Digestibility of Dry Matter, Protein, Lipid, and Organic Matter of Two Fish Meals, Two Poultry By-Product Meals, Soybean Meal, and Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles in Practical Diets for Sunshine Bass, Morone chrysops X M. saxatilis Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 39:352-363.

Tipping, J. M., A. L. Gannam, T. D. Hilson, and J. B. Poole.  2003.  Use of size for early detection of hatchery steelhead juveniles destined to be precocious males.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 65:318-323.

Tranah, G., D.E. Campton, and B. May.  2004.  Genetic evidence for hybridization of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon.  Journal of Heredity 95:474-480.

Tranah, G. J., H. L. Kincaid, C. C. Krueger, D. E. Campton, and B. May.  2001.  Reproductive isolation in sympatric populations of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:367-373.

R. G. Twibell, A. L. Gannam, S. L. Ostrand, J.A.S. Holmes, and J. B. Poole. In Press. Evaluation of Commercial Diets for First-Feeding Spring Chinook Salmon. North American Journal of Aquaculture.

Underwood, T. J., J. A. Gordon, M. J. Millard, B. R. Lubinski, and S. P. Klosiewski.  2007.  Appropriateness of the Darroch Estimator for Monitoring Adult Chum Salmon on the Middle Yukon River, Alaska.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:303-314.

Waterstrat, P. R.  1997.  Distribution and abundance of Saprolegnia in the water supply of a Columbia River salmon hatchery.  Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 9:58-63.

Waterstrat, P. R., and L. L. Marking.  1995.  Clinical evaluation of formalin, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium chloride for the treatment of Saprolegnia parasitica on fall Chinook salmon eggs.  The Progressive Fish-Culturist 57:287-291.

Webster, C. D., K. R. Thompson, A. M. Morgan, E. J. Grisby, and A. L. Gannam.  2000.  Use of hempseed meal, poultry by-product meal, and canola meal in practical diets without fish meal for sunshine bass (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis).  Aquaculture 188:299-309.

Webster, C. D., L. J. Tiu, A. M. Morgan, and A. L. Gannam.  2000.  Differences in growth in blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus and I. punctatus fed low-protein diets with and without supplemental methionine and/or lysine.  Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 31(2):195-205.

Webster, C. D., L. J. Tiu, A. M. Morgan, and A. L. Gannam.  1999.  Effect of partial and total replacement of fish meal on growth and body composition of sunshine bass Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis fed practical diets.  Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 30(4):443-453.

Whipple, M. J., A. L. Gannam, and J. L. Bartholomew.  2002.  Inability to control Ceratomyxosis in rainbow trout and steelhead with oral treatments of glucan immunostimulant or the fumagillin analog TNP-470.  North American Journal of Aquaculture 64:1-9.

Zydlewski, G. B., and J. Johnson.  2002.  Response of bull trout fry to four types of water diversion screens.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:1276-1282.

Zydlewski, G. B., G. Horton, T. Dubreuil, B. Letcher, S. Casey, and J. Zydlewski.  2006.  Remote monitoring of fish in small streams: a unified approach using PIT tags.  Fisheries 31(10): 492-503.

Last updated: September 16, 2008
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