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Can I retrieve CGP bibliographical records by the GPO Item Number (MARC field 074) via Z39.50? Print E-mail
Tuesday, 04 March 2008

GPO Item Number (MARC tag 074##) is a newly created Z39.50 Bib-1 use attribute proposed by GPO, and approved and implemented by the Z39.50 Standard Maintenance Agency. The assigned value to this attribute is “1224”. In order to be able to search by Item numbers via Z39.50, you must setup the Bib-1 attribute (1(or,u)=1224) in your Z39.50 gate configuration, as instructed in item ‘4. How do I configure the Z39.50 gate in our library’s ILS?’ above. However due to the filing configuration restriction in the CGP, you must search the Item Number (MARC tag 074) with no space between the Item Number & Format:

@attr 1=1224 0834-W-06(online)

Note: There is no space between the Item Number ‘0834-W-06’ and Format ‘(online)’ 

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 05 March 2008 )

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