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It's raining outside.
@KayBallard My hair clip was a clear Goody (about a $0.50 value). I can get a new one, fortunately. But it's not helping this morning. ;)
Lost my favorite hairclip and now I feel lost. I know that's weird, but I've relied on her for years for bad hair days. :(
@fogfish More like we 'crashed' as in fell asleep. ;)
@fogfish Heh. We came to our senses. ;)
Okay. Time to drink lotso water, then go to bed. Isagenix day 1 = a wee bit hungry. Not crazy hungry. But hungry.
@virc_B1LL Yeah. But what Gladwell talks about is how many ppl don't get opportunities b/c of silly things like birthdate and social class.
@spellrus Sprinkle alotta Outliers on Tracy's work. ;)
@spellrus Outliers...the one that just came out. I'm quite impressed with it. Reads a bit like Freakonomics with the usual Gladwell a-ha's!
As Gladwell points out, it's not about being smarter or better or working harder (tho that helps), it's about opportunity.
Then again, don't wait for anyone to knock at your door, either. I say put yourself in the way of those opportunities as much as possible.
So, don't be in awe or be envious of others' successes - be strategic and don't pass up those opportunities that knock at your door. ;)
Sorry...had to get that one right. I certainly can't 'seize' this new keyboard...ugh.
"(Successful people) are those who have been given opportunities-and who have the strength and presence of mind to seize them." Gladwel
BTW...we need more people to sign up for @equalitycamp http://equalitycamp.eventbr... (there is an awesome t-shirt involved)
@BJ I don't really do scales...but I love books that buck conventional wisdom and this one does an awesome job of it. ;)
@BJ Just finished reading it. Awesomeness.
...with a society that provides opportunities for all." Gladwell (Outliers)


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