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ended up at work almost all day. wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
Nessie was missing last night from her cage/home when we arrived back from feast. We luckily found her. The cats had not found her first.
up to take O to the PDX TGiving parade. She will be the tri-tom player in the R Gray Middle school band! Key an eye out for her!
ah, dinner was wonderful!
's family delivered food for Loaves and Fishes. Fun!...Glad to share my Obama button with the token McPalin woman in hospice ;(
@mediaChick absolutely! been there, done that...good luck!
called upon to make my famous carrot salad for today's main meal. Am happy to comply, but forgot the candied ginger. will improvise.
we have extra pets for the holidays! nessie, the hamster is staying with us, and we are feeding JoJo who lives across the street through Sat
@brendajos - missed this earlier. I even gave the boys a ride home. eek.
OH: from the chickens in the backyard: "So, now aren't you happy that you aren't a turkey?"
Happy Thanksgiving Twitter friends and family...!
is thankful for most everything, but often not all the time. Grateful for the large and small reminders that we are quite blessed.
ok, so boss wants Fri conference call to discuss project involving Canadians. I am assuming Canadians would have enjoyed day off also?
@Jessie - Happy Thanksgiving! to you and your family...
@NELLYWAITS how cool. I <3 this one. Will look for it tomorrow!
sleepy, sleepy morning. waking up slowly
@radsnowgirl good question. have an answer?
@kaiwryn maybe not all alone. Would guess you are on the left coast?
@DTNYC383 sure, but just a dash...


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