Federal Depository Library User Feedback Form

The U.S. Government Printing Office appreciates your feedback in support of the Federal Depository Library Program. Your feedback will be shared with our partner Federal Depository Library to help us continue to provide and enhance access to U.S. Government information resources.

As a valued Federal Depository Library Program user, your feedback is truly appreciated. We would like to hear how we may better serve you.

Library Name:
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Comments can be submitted using the text area below or by uploading the file. Please provide the date or dates you visited the library, if known.
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Your Name:
Your Phone:
Your Email Address:

The U.S. Government Printing Office, which administers the Federal Depository Library Program, or our partner Federal Depository Library may contact you if we have any questions about your comment or suggestion.

If you provide an email address, you will receive a copy of your message via email. For any general inquiries, please contact the library directly or the U.S. Government Printing Office via askGPO.

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New Item Number Procedure

GPO has begun to create separate item numbers for the online only (EL) format of the U.S. Congressional Committee Hearings and Prints and related miscellaneous publications, known as "Y 4's". Read more.

Administrative Notes (Ad Notes)

Latest Edition, Sept./Oct. 15, 2008.

Separate Cataloging Approach

On October 1, LSCM adopted the use of the separate cataloging approach. Now the CGP will have a unique bibliographic record for each format of a document with links to all formats identified by LSCM catalogers. For more information about this new practice, read more.

FDLP Comm. Site Open Beta Test

Recently, GPO launched closed beta testing for the FDLP Community site. Based on the feedback received, we have implemented modifications and are ready for the next phase of testing.
File Repository.

FDLP Site Migration

arrow.png We are in the process of migrating the FDLP Desktop site content to our new domain. Click here to access the original FDLP Desktop.

Events Countdown

58 days until ALA Midwinter Meeting
144 days until Spring DLC Meeting
200 days until SLA Annual Conference
225 days until ALA Annual Conference
241 days until AALL Annual Meeting & Conference

Shipping Lists This Week

2009-0059-P   2008-0065-P
2009-0063-P   2008-0066-P
2009-0060-P   2009-0069-P
2009-0061-P   2009-0005-E
2009-0062-P   2009-0067-P
2009-0064-P   2009-0070-P

CGP Quick Search

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)

Events Calendar

« < November 2008 > »
26 27 28 29 30 31 1
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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