U.S. Senator John Cornyn
United States Senator, Texas
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2009 Presidential Inauguration Info

On January 20, 2009, President-elect Barack Obama will be sworn-in as the 44th President of the United States.

The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies is responsible for the Swearing-In Ceremony taking place at the U.S. Capitol. Additional information is available at http://inaugural.senate.gov. You can also sign up for inaugural email updates through this website.

My staff and I have already received thousands of requests and we will do our best to accommodate Texans traveling to Washington; however, we will have a very limited number of tickets to distribute to the Swearing-In Ceremony. We have been logging these requests via email and will be distributing tickets in the coming weeks.

Several constituents have asked about the Presidential Inaugural Parade and Presidential Inaugural Balls. The Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) – established after the November election – is responsible for all official balls and galas hosted in honor of the newly-elected President. While the official PIC website has not been launched at this time, you can continue to check http://change.gov/learn/inauguration for updates. For individuals interested in attending regionally-sponsored inaugural balls, contact your respective state’s society for more information.

Requests to participate in inauguration day events for marching bands, marching units, mounted units, and other performers are collected by the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee. Further information and an application to participate may be found at the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee’s website – http://www.afic.northcom.mil.

Please visit this site regularly, as it will be updated with information on inaugural activities. I look forward to seeing many of you in Washington, DC!

--Senator John Cornyn

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