
Dodd Calls on FDA to Investigate Tainted Candy Found in Connecticut

October 2, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) called on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to immediately investigate the cases of contaminated candy made in China and distributed  in Connecticut over the last few days.  Dodd wrote to FDA Commissioner Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach urging the FDA to take immediate action and ensure that no additional Americans are put at risk. 


“This is obviously very troubling news, and I strongly urge the FDA to take immediate action to prevent any harm to American consumers,” said Dodd.  “The people of Connecticut deserve answers as to why the FDA has not alerted them about these cases, why they have not included Connecticut on the list of states where contaminated candy from China has been sold, and whether or not they are testing these and other similar products to ensure they are safe for consumption.  My office will be in touch with officials at the FDA immediately to demand answers to these questions and more.”


Candy contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine was found in four stores in Connecticut: East Haven, West Hartford, and in two stores in New Haven.

