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2009 Congressional and Presidential Transition
Following each presidential election, GAO serves as a resource to assist with the transition to a new Congress and administration. On this Web site, using its institutional knowledge and broad-based, nonpartisan work on matters across the government spectrum, GAO provides insight into, and recommendations for addressing, the nation's major issues, risks and challenges. Also located throughout the site are key reports for further research, as well as contact information for and video messages from GAO experts.

GAO Lists Top "Urgent Issues" For Next President And Congress; Unveils New Transition Web Site
Press Release of Nov. 6, 2008: Acting Comptroller General Gene Dodaro Thursday released a list of 13 urgent issues the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has identified as among those needing the attention of President-Elect Obama and the 111th Congress during the transition and the first year of the new administration and Congress.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 128 results Sort by: date | relevance «previous next»
Audit of Ford-Carter Presidential Transition Expenditures
GGD-78-36, December 23, 1977
Personnel Conversions During Presidential Transition: Improved Monitoring Needed
FPCD-81-51, May 27, 1981
Audit of Reagan Presidential Transition Expenditures
GGD-81-50, March 2, 1981
Recommendations To Amend the Presidential Transition Act and the Former Presidents Act
109387, May 16, 1979
Expenses, Presidential Transition Under the 1975 Supplemental Appropriations Bill
GGD-75-98, June 3, 1975
Personnel Practices: Presidential Transition Conversions and Appointments: Changes Needed
GGD-94-66, May 31, 1994
Effects of the Presidential Transition on the Senior Executive Service
FPCD-82-29, March 23, 1982
Presidential Transition: Opportunities and Challenges
GAO-01-229T, December 4, 2000
The White House: Allegations of Damage During the 2001 Presidential Transition
GAO-02-360, June 7, 2002
Expenditures for Former Presidents
110833, November 7, 1979
Searching titles, summaries and other information about our publications.
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