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House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Howard L. Berman, Chairman
2170 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5021
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79 results matched your search.


Human Rights in Colombia: The Continuing Crisis in Putumayo

Full Committee



H.R. 6911, the Stability and Democracy for Georgia Act of 2008.

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman




U.S.-Russia Relations in the Aftermath of the Georgia Crisis

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman, The Honorable Daniel Fried, Michael H. McFaul, Ph.D., Frederick W. Kagan, Ph.D.




H.R. 6574, United States-Russian Federation Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Act of 2008;
H. Res. 1351, Expressing support for the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) and calling upon United Nations Member States and the international community to contribute the resources necessary to ensure the success of UNAMID;
H. Res. 1361, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should lead a high-level diplomatic effort to defeat the campaign by some members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to divert the United Nation’s Durban Review Conference from a review of problems in their own and other countries by attacking Israel, promoting anti-Semitism, and undermining the Universal Charter of Human Rights and to ensure that the Durban Review Conference serves as a forum to review commitments to combat all forms of racism
H. Res. 1369, Recognizing nongovernmental organizations working to bring just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians;
H. Res. 1370, Calling on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to immediately end abuses of the human rights of its citizens, to cease repression of Tibetan and Uighur citizens, and to end its support for the Governments of Sudan and Burma to ensure that the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games take place in an atmosphere that honors the Olympic traditions of freedom and openness; and
H. Con. Res. 374, Supporting the spirit of peace and desire for unity displayed in the letter from 138 leading Muslim scholars, and in the Pope

Full Committee




China on the Eve of the Olympics

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman, Kenneth G. Lieberthal, Ph.D., David M. Lampton, Ph.D., Yang Jianli, Ph.D.




H.R. 3202, Foreign Service Overseas Pay Equity Act of 2007;
H.R. 6328, To develop a policy to address the critical needs of Iraqi refugees;
H.R. 6456, To provide for extensions of certain authorities of the Department of State, and for other purposes;
H. Res. 937, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the emergency communications services provided by the American Red Cross are vital resources for military service members and their families;
H. Res. 1008, Condemning the persecution of Baha;
H. Res. 1069, Condemning the use of television programming by Hamas to indoctrinate hatred, violence, and anti-Semitism toward Israel in young Palestinian children;
H. Res. 1159, Recognizing the historical significance of the United States sloop-of-war Constellation as a surviving witness to the horrors of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and a leading participant in America;
H. Res. 1254, Supporting the values and goals of the `Joint Action Plan Between the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Government of the United States of America to Eliminate Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Promote Equality;
H. Res. 1266, Congratulating Albania and Croatia on being invited to begin accession talks with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and expressing support for continuing to enlarge the alliance;
H. Res. 1279, Recognizing the Special Olympics;
H. Res. 1290, Joining the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in observance of World Refugee Day and calling on the United States Government, international organizations, and aid groups to take immediate steps to secure urgently needed humanitarian relief for the more than 2,000,000 people displaced by genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan;
H. Res. 1307, Commemorating the Kingdom of Bhutan;
H. Con. Res. 344, Recognizing that we are facing a global food crisis;
H. Con. Res. 361, Commemorating Irena Sendler, a woman whose bravery saved the lives of thousands during the Holocaust and remembering her legacy of courage, selflessness, and hope; and
H. Con. Res. 371, Strongly supporting an immediate and just restitution of, or compensation for, property illegally confiscated during the last century by Nazi and Communist regimes.

Full Committee




U.S. Policy Toward Iran

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman, The Honorable William J. Burns




Foreign Assistance Reform: Rebuilding U.S. Civilian Development and Diplomatic Capacity in the 21st Century

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman, The Honorable M. Peter McPherson, The Honorable J. Brian Atwood




The Caucasus: Frozen Conflicts and Closed Borders

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman , The Honorable Daniel Fried




Russia, Iran, and Nuclear Weapons: Implications of the Proposed U.S.-Russia Agreement

Full Committee

The Honorable Howard L. Berman, The Honorable Edward J. Markey, The Honorable John C. Rood, The Honorable Robert J. Einhorn, Mr. Henry D. Sokolski

