Photo of Iowa

The Rest of ‘07  

A lot of people have been asking me what Congress will be working on before we adjourn for the year. We will be in session for two or three more weeks and there is still a lot to accomplish.

One of the most important items left to do is to create a patch for the Alternative Minimum Tax or the AMT, or what I like to call it; the absolutely maddening tax. Congress has never waited this long to pass a legislative patch. It’s now December 4, and it is totally unclear what form this legislative fix will take. Tens of millions of working families in Iowa and around the country will be affected by the Alternative Minimum Tax, not only with regard to their tax liability but tax season will be here very soon and people will want a prompt receipt of their IRS refunds.

There also are still 11 appropriations bills not yet done. The kind of omnibus spending bill that is under consideration would likely not have any money for the war on terrorism, even though funds for the war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan are expected to run out on February 1.

Negotiations are continuing on farm bill amendments and also on a fix to the Medicare payment system for doctors.

So, you can see there is a lot to do in a little amount of time. So far this year has been unproductive as shown by the many issues that have been put off or dealt with unsuccessfully by Congressional leaders.