Photo of Iowa

Windfarm Groundbreaking  

Hi everyone
I just wrapped up another busy week in the U.S. Senate.

Yesterday there was a vote to proceed to a bill that would allow the federal government to negotiate Medicare prescription drug prices. I just don’t see the rationale in destroying a program that is working for seniors all over the country. And, in fact, the Congressional Budget Office says that the legislation would raise drug prices for veterans, Medicaid and other drug consumers. 60 votes were needed to proceed and they only got 55. I’m glad this bill didn’t move forward; Medicare is working just fine as it is and I always say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

You can read more about the vote in this Des Moines Register story, or this New York Times story.

Today, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales testified at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Department of Justice Oversight to examine the firing of 8 U.S. attorneys. I am a senior member of the Judiciary committee and gave these remarks at the hearing today.

On Saturday I will be up in Worth County. I’m attending the Midwest Renewable Fuels Windfarm groundbreaking in Kensett and holding a Town hall Meeting in Joice following. If you’re in the area, please come and let me know what’s on your mind.