Committee on Science and Technology
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Letters To Administration :: May 29, 2007

Lampson, Miller Press for More Information in Keeping SREL Open

May 29, 2007

Secretary Samuel Bodman
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20585

Dear Secretary Bodman,

On May 16 we wrote to you regarding the decision-making surrounding the reduction in support for the work of the Savannah River Ecology Lab—a reduction so severe it amounts to a decision to close the lab. We asked at that time that you provide direction that funding for the lab continue at a level that would provide minimal support for the lab, its personnel, overhead and research efforts. We have learned that amounts to just $300,000 a month.

Your response back dated May 23 is silent on our request that you provide an assurance that the Department would continue to support the lab. We ask again for that commitment. In just two days, the lab will have to lay off employees, shut down experiments, release, give away or euthanize animals on site and a whole chain of other steps that will make it increasingly difficult to revive the laboratory should Congress decide that the Department’s decision-making here does not reflect the best interests of the public…

Read the complete letter to Secretary Bodman»

News from the House Science and Technology Committee
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Bart Gordon, Chairman


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