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@antic mmm. You bringin dat over here, right?
@sparktography Once I hear Twitters biz model, may get him an account and loop in the grandparents. Have to rate-limit change 4 oldtimers...
My two year old likes to grab the iPhone and twitter randomly, sorry. Be nice if I could lock that one app with a pass code or something.
@sparktography an acceptable oversight, easily corrected. I'm trying out new things on the internets today and evaluating OmniFocus, kthx.
just dropped off 2 boxes fud for NWHarvest, but their website lists stale dropoff information several YEARS old. Emailed them to fix....
Ahhh, perfect comfort for a cold dark rainy evening: "Tea, earl grey, hot." Add one firelog & library book on combinatorial game theory.
@AndruEdwards absolutely! I'll bring my game designers hat and a werewolfish beard ;)
@antic: I still think it would be rad to flush out a "cylon" based variant, ie, the bad guys don't know each other; So much possibility.
I wish I could sell my boss on the idea of #Yammer, I think it's a great idea. Days like this I miss being at a real startup...
back to work; why cant every day be more like mindcamp? brainstorming, demonstrations, spontaneous organizing, and standup comedy.
Had to jet #mindcamp finally, was once again both fun and stimulating. Thanks again 'drew & crew! Werewolf marathon 4fr...
Best mens restroom decoration today: #mindcamp
I just did 60 seconds of standup comedy after a comedy workshop. Utterly terrifying, but apparently I was't awful. +life exp! #mindcamp
The count to infinity problem comes alive: #mindcamp
@mindcamp Not to come off like a fanboy, but would be interested in a count of the number of Apple-laptop-toting attendees. Early adopters!
I have been declared the Rock Paper Scissors champion of Mind Camp V. #mindcamp ftw!
Icon pillows make your couch look like OSX dock :). (/want)
Raising the volume for #mindcamp. Mmmm, so many delicious brains.


Jason Calacanis Beth Bre Pettis Doug Dobbins Chris Pirillo  Andru Edwards Sparky Nate True KATE WINKLE Wii David Geller Barack Obama Wil Wheaton Stephen Colbert Oren Sreebny Jonathan Coulton Tim O'Reilly Wil Shipley Kyle Kinkade Adam Eivy Rebekah Whitlock Lena Eivy David Heidgerken Tony Hillerson Cassie Wallender  Seattle Mind Camp Lifehacker xorb Overheard It zefrank Richard Lotz TinaFey LeVar Burton GenIgnored