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Majority Priorities

» Economic Facts vs. Republican FictionRepublicans in Congress have attempted to deflect responsibility away from their 8 years of failed economic policies.

» Democratic AccomplishmentsThe 110th Congress has enacted into law major legislation addressing issues impacting America’s children and families.

» Economic Crisis, Congress continues to work to address the crisis in a responsible, bipartisan manner.

» Republican Failures, While Republicans are trying to re-cast themselves as agents of change, nothing could be further from the truth.
» Energy and Gas Prices, The Bush Administration energy plan has failed America, gasoline prices have more than doubled since 2000.
» Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), Democrats are working hard on a new FISA bill that will keep our nation safe and protect our civil liberties.
» Housing Crisis, Democrats are working to ending the foreclosure crisis, which is vital to our economic recovery.
» Iraq, With the war in its sixth year, with over 4,000 Americans killed and over 30,000 wounded, Democrats are fighting for a strategic redeployment from Iraq.
» Fiscal Responsibility, Bush’s policies have led to a loss of over $8 trillion, the largest fiscal deterioration in American history.
» FY 2009 Congressional Budget, Congress passed a budget in June of 2008, the first time a budget has been adopted in an election year since 2000.