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I, for one, welcome our new overlords. (Either you get the Simpsons reference, or you don't....)
Drinking bourbon and thinking about the Duc de Bourbon's speech at Agincourt in Henry V: "Shame, eternal shame, and nothing but shame!"
Pre-drowning my election sorrows at Ground Zero Blues Club in Memphis, TN. I recommend pre-drowning as a coping strategy. Or tactic?
Somehow both alarming and reassuring: Sequoia Capital PPT deck on the current financial mess, worth looking at:
Alt. take: Obama prob. wins in Nov. So spending $700B now is a smart move: Cripple next pres's spending ability; hobble him with debt.
This is magnificent. This is perfection. This is, literally, in my neighborhood. Do NOT miss this:
Quick panic break: it would be awesome if they never passed a bailout bill and the markets recovered anyway. Ok, Break over, resume panic.
Missed most of the debate. Instead, am enjoying a bottle of Domaine de la Cotelleraie Bourgueil 2006. Because, well, priorities.
Just caught in a Palin motorcade-caused traffic snarl on 46th and 5th in NYC. Bystanders groused, saw who it was, then cheered. Conclusions?
Let me be frank, if that's okay: Marty Peretz is a bitter old queen. Exhibit A: The prosecution rests.
Maybe it's me: does David Gregory look a little embarrassed sometimes, on MSNBC, when he talks to Keith Olbermann? Like: "What a schmuck."
Something tells me, back when she played high school basketball, that she knew how to throw an elbow.
New media world: open mic YouTube vid of M. Murphy and P. Noonan spreads, then Noonan clarifies, all in ONE DAY!
Watched MSNBC tonight via the privatevdirect satellite feed. Hilarious Chris Matthews tantrum.
It's the movie "Juno" set in Juneau:
Can't help but wonder: I'm not at the RNC, but were I, would I get invited to James Lileks' cool party? I'd love to see the water feature.
If the RNC is "curtailed" and McCain wins in November, does that mean we don't have to endure the 4 day conventions anymore? Fingers crossed
I know it's also somewhere next to this Twitter column, but it's worth singling out. Steyn on Palin, enough said:
Okay, last one: How hot is Sarah Palin? So hot that Bill Clinton just offered her an internship. Hat tip:
Whoops -- last link doesn't work. Not endorsing the off-color message, just passing it along: