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leaving for dinner.
ha ha ha ha. vista. You only acquire ALL employees if you get ultimate..
Not enough
leaving for a US pint. (i.e. 20% less beer than it should be, but %80 less snobby)
OMG. I have dart guns and a foam sword for the day we run out of coffee here.
visit mount toolchain. you'll be glad you did
Wondering how long my computer, desperate to update, will continue to harass me with reboot messages before it gets the hint.
wondering why erin hasn't e-mailed me back
Hard...but better..
The zune?!? *respect seeping away*
Going to see smokin aces
playing star wars top trumps with dina and molly
Avoiding the old pink lady with the puppy dog purse
cnn says you can save yourself from a mountain lion by beating it with a log. cnn never lies.
I think this switch is enjoying itself. Output from ssh key generation: "ooOo.oOo.oO"
configuring switches on floor 10
QOTD from a co-worker "the good thing about the man keeping you down, is that it saves me work, since now I don't have to"
mmmmm chips
'elo ilo
root beer. it's good


Geoffrey Bilder Adrian Erin Woody Derek Uluski Lisa R Lisa San Martin