




Contact Infortmation:


Melinda Kleppinger



Library Name:

Swarthmore College


Depository Number:






"EP 1.2:G 76/11/NY" "JTR grantee series : New York : jobs through recycling"


"I 29.2:AR 2/26" O648 "Archeological overview and assessment for Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve


"I 29.2:ES 1" O648 "Floating the Escalante River : or pushing


"I 29.2:F 51" O648 "Color country fire"


"I 29.2:G 56/7" O648 "The quest for gold : an overview of the National Park Service Cultural Resources Mining Inventory and Monitoring Program (CRMIM) / by Becky M. Saleeby"


"I 29.2:K 38/2000" O648 "The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts / the Kennedy Center"


"I 29.2:M 69/5" O648 "Mission 66 visitor centers : the history of a building type / Sarah Allaback"


"I 29.2:P 69/4/ 2000" O648 "Native plants for parks : cost-effective programs for resource management


"I 29.2:SI 8/6" O648 "Early views : historical vignettes of Sitka National Historical Park / produced by the Alaska Support Office


"I 29.2:V 94/4" O648 "Eighty years in the making : a legislative history of Voyageurs National Park / Fred T. Witzig"


"I 29.2:Y 3/13" O648 "Effects of winter recreation on wildlife of the Greater Yellowstone area : a literature review and assessment / editors: Tom Olliff


"I 29.2:Y 3/16" O648 "Yellowstone in the afterglow : lessons from the fires / Mary Ann Franke"


"I 29.2:Z 6/4" O648 "Hiking the Zion Narrows : an orientation"


"I 29.2:Z 6/5" O648 "Zion National Park : backcountry trip planner"


"I 29.21:R 63" O650 "Roger Williams National Memorial


"I 29.39:G 48/3" O654 "Exploring the Burr Trail / Glen Canyon National Recreation Area


"I 29.39:M 46" O654 "Lake Mead : Lake Mead National Recreation Area


"I 29.58/3:M 31/v.2" O649 "Manzanar National Historic Site


"I 29.6/6:F 77 D" 0651-B-04 "Fort Davis National Historic Site


"I 29.6/6:H 41" 0651-B-04 "Herbert Hoover National Historic Site


"I 29.6/6:J 23" 0651-B-04 "James A. Garfield National Historic Site


"I 29.6/6:N 62/2000" 0651-B-04 "Ninety Six"


"I 29.6:G 76/20/2001" O651 "Grand Teton : John D. Rockfeller


"I 29.6:G 76/2000" O651 "Grand Canyon National Park


"I 29.6:G 76/35/2000" O651 "Grand Teton : John D. Rockefeller


"I 29.6:W 27/2" O651 "Washington


"I 29.6:W 31/2000" O651 "Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park World Heritage Site"


"I 29.88:AN 8/2" 0624-E-01 "The Mumma Barn : Antietam National Battlefield


"I 29.88:R 95" 0624-E-01 "The administration building (the Ryan Center) : Gateway National Recreation Area


"I 29.9/2:P 21/2/2000" 0651-A "National park system map and guide : [United States] / National Park Service


"I 49.113:B 22" 0612-A-03 "Environmental assessment and land protection plan


"I 49.113:D 14" 0612-A-03 "Environmental Assessment : Dakota Tallgrass Prairie Wildlife Management Area


"I 49.113:D 38" 0612-A-03 "Environmental assessment


"I 49.113:D 54" 0612-A-03 "Environmental assessment : proposed Diablo Range National Wildlife Management Area : Merced


"I 49.113:ED 9/DRAFT" 0612-A-03 "Edwin B. Forsythe and Cape May National Wildlife Refuges : revised draft comprehensive conservation plan and environmental assessment / U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service"


"I 49.113:SA 5 L/2" 0612-A-03 "Proposed Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes National Wildlife Refuge : finding of no significant impact


"I 49.113:T 84" 0612-A-03 "Environmental assessment : Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge"


"I 49.113:W 66" 0612-A-03 "Willapa NWR additions : environmental assessment


"I 49.18/8:119" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.18/8:120" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.18/8:122" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.18/8:123" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.18/8:125" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.18/8:126" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.18/8:127" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.18/8:128" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.18/8:129" 0616-A-02 "Fish and Wildlife Reference Service newsletter"


"I 49.2:AI 7/2" O612 "National Wildlife Refuge System : the air we breathe"


"I 49.2:B 22/4" O612 "Ni-leśtun Unit : Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge


"I 49.2:B 54/2" O612 "National Bison Range"


"I 49.2:C 18/3/2000" O612 "Student Career Experience Program / U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service"


"I 49.2:C 18/4" O612 "Careers


"I 49.2:C 28" O612 "National Fish Strain Registry


"I 49.2:C 28/2" O612 "National Fish Strain Registry


"I 49.2:C 28/3/CD" O612 "National Fish Strain Registry


"I 49.2:C 63/12" O612 "Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard facts (Uma inornata)"


"I 49.2:F 53/29" O612 "Implications of U.S. population growth for recreational fishing / Anthony J. Fedler & Andrew Holdnak"


"I 49.2:L 52" O612 "A legacy for the future : fish and wildlife restoration through the Central Valley Project Improvement Act"


"I 49.2:M 58/5/2000" O612 "Migratory Shore and Upland Game Bird Working Group : fall meeting minutes


"I 49.2:M 58/7/2000" O612 "Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program


"I 49.2:R 34/2/SUM./999-2000" O612 "Rhinoceros & Tiger Conservation Act : summary report


"I 49.2:SA 2 L" O612 "St. Lawrence Wetland and Grassland Management District"


"I 49.2:T 82" O612 "Integrated land management on Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge : an alternative management strategy developed by the Integrated Land Management Working Group : promoting productive wetland habitats and sustainable agriculture on Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge"


"I 49.2:W 53/22/2000" "North American Wetlands Conservation Act


"I 49.2:W 53/24" O612 "Wetland resources of Yellowstone National Park / Charles R. Elliott and Mary M. Hektner"


"I 49.77/3:996" 0614-D "Recovery Program


"I 49.77/6:995" 0611-L-03 "Federal and state endangered species expenditures"


"I 49.9:R 91/999" O612 "Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge


"I 53.2:AL 1/6/2000" O631 "BLM in Alaska"


"I 53.2:B 38/6" O631 "Beaver Creek National Wild River"


"I 53.2:C 12/14" O631 "California Coastal National Monument"


"I 53.2:C 12/15" O631 "California's natural wildlands legacy / U.S. Department of the Interior


"I 53.2:C 15/2000" O631 "Long-term camping on public lands"


"I 53.2:D 61" O631 "Copper Ridge Sauropod dinosaur tracks : footprints from the Morrison Formation"


"I 53.2:G 76 S/2" O631 "Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument : management plan overview"


"I 53.2:G 76 S/3" O631 "Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument : visitor information"


"I 53.2:G 95/4/999" O631 "Gulkana National Wild River


"I 53.2:H 41/CEDAR" O631 "Cedar Mountains Herd Management Area"


"I 53.2:H 41/CONFUS" O631 "Confusion herd management area"


"I 53.2:H 41/CONGER" O631 "Conger Mountains Herd Management Area"


"I 53.2:H 41/KING" O631 "King Top Herd Management Area"


"I 53.2:H 41/MUDDY" O631 "Muddy Creek Wild Horse Herd Management areas"


"I 53.2:H 41/ONAQUI" O631 "Onaqui Mountains Herd Management Area"


"I 53.2:H 41/SINBAD" O631 "Sinbad wild horse & burro herd management areas"


"I 53.2:H 41/SULPHUR" O631 "Sulphur herd management area"


"I 53.2:H 41/SWASEY" O631 "Swasey Mountains Herd Management Area"


"I 53.2:H 78/17" O631 "Utah wild horses : living symbols of our heritage : adopt a wild horse"


"I 53.2:ID 3" O631 "Iditarod National Historic Trail"


"I 53.2:L 41/2" O631 "BLM law enforcement / Bureau of Land Management"


"I 53.2:M 66/16/999" O631 "Abandoned mines are potential killers"


"I 53.2:P 56/V.1" O631 "Stereo photo series for quantifying natural fuels / Roger D. Ottmar


"I 53.2:P 56/V.3" O631 "Stereo photo series for quantifying natural fuels / Roger D. Ottmar


"I 53.2:P 56/V.4" O631 "Stereo photo series for quantifying natural fuels / Roger D. Ottmar


"I 53.2:P 56/V.6" O631 "Stereo photo series for quantifying natural fuels / Roger D. Ottmar


"I 53.2:P 95/2000" O631 "Pryor Mountain National Wild Horse Range"


"I 53.2:P 96/15/2000" O631 "Are there any public lands for sale?"


"I 53.2:P 96/30/2000" O631 "Public rewards from public lands / U.S. Department of the Interior


"I 53.2:P 96/30/997" O631 "Public rewards from public lands / U.S. Department of the Interior


"I 53.2:P 96/30/999" O631 "Public rewards from public lands / U.S. Department of the Interior


"I 53.2:R 52/3/999" O631 "Alaska river adventures"


"I 53.2:SCI 2" O631 "Science strategy"


"I 53.2:T 21/4" O631 "Taylor Highway : fortymile gold country : Tetlin Junction to Boundary"


"I 53.2:UP 6/4" O631 "Floating the upper Missouri"


"I 53.2:V 53/4" O631 "Off-highway vehicle (OHV) project"


"I 53.2:W 41/2" O631 "Stop the cycle of noxious weeds : always check your tires


"I 53.2:W 41/3" O631 "Stop the spread of noxious weeds! : weed seeds and plant parts can become lodged in tires


"I 53.2:W 58/6" O631 "White Mountains National Recreation Area : winter trails"


"I 53.59/2:T 67" 0629-E-10 "Proposed planning analysis


"I 53.59/2:W 75" 0629-E-10 "Wisconsin


"I 53.59:ST 2/2" 0629-E-09 "Proposed statewide resource management plan amendment/final environmental impact statement : New Mexico standards for public land health and guidelines for livestock grazing management / joint leads for project


"I 29.2:AR 2/14/996-97" O648 "Federal archeology program : Secretary of the Interior's report to Congress"


"J 1.107:10" 0717-A-08 "Community cops : the bi-monthly newsletter for COPS grantees"


"J 1.107:11" 0717-A-08 "On the beat : community oriented policing services"


"J 1.107:12" 0717-A-08 "On the beat : community oriented policing services"


"J 1.107:13" 0717-A-08 "On the beat : community oriented policing services"


"J 1.107:14" 0717-A-08 "On the beat : community oriented policing services"


"J 1.107:15" 0717-A-08 "On the beat : community oriented policing services"


"J 1.107:16" 0717-A-08 "On the beat : community oriented policing services"


"J 1.107:6" 0717-A-08 "Community cops : the bi-monthly newsletter for COPS grantees"


"J 1.107:7" 0717-A-08 "Community cops : the bi-monthly newsletter for COPS grantees"


"J 1.107:8" 0717-A-08 "Community cops : the bi-monthly newsletter for COPS grantees"


"J 1.110:8/3" 0717-A-32 "Weed & seed in-sites"


"J 1.110:8/4" 0717-A-32 "Weed & seed in-sites"


"J 1.111:2000/1" 0717-A-33 "RPI report (Washington


"J 1.111:2000/2" 0717-A-33 "Reentry report : the newsletter of the Reentry Courts and Partnership Initiative"


"J 1.111:2001/3" 0717-A-33 "Reentry report : the newsletter of the Reentry Courts and Partnership Initiative"


"J 1.14/24:2/3" 0721-A-01 "CJIS : a newsletter for the criminal justice community / U.S. Department of Justice


"J 1.14/24:4/1" 0 721-A-01 "CJIS : a newsletter for the criminal justice community / U.S. Department of Justice


"J 1.14/24:4/2" 0721-A-01 "The CJIS link"


"J 1.14/24:4/3" 0721-A-01 "The CJIS link"


"J 1.14/24:4/4" 0721-A-01 "The CJIS link"


"J 1.14/24:5/1" 0721-A-01 "The CJIS link"


"J 1.14/24:5/2" 0721-A-01 "The CJIS link"


"J 1.14/7-6:998" 0722-A "Law enforcement officers killed and assaulted / U.S. Department of Justice


"J 1.2:AM 3/16" O717 "Americans with Disabilities Act : assistance at self-service gas stations"


"J 1.2:AP 5/3/2001-2002" O717 "Application booklet. Attorney General's honor program for ... graduating students


"J 1.2:AS 7/2" O717 "Selected federal asset forfeiture statutes / U.S. Department of Justice


"J 1.2:B 22" O717 "Help us build trust in America's bankruptcy system : discover new career opportunities


"J 1.2:C 49/16" O717 "Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 (CAFRA) : Pub. L. no. 106-185


"J 1.2:C 79/8" O717 "COPS


"J 1.2:D 63/4" O717 "Information technology and people with disabilities : the current state of federal accessibility / presented by the Attorney General to the President of the United States"


"J 1.2:D 84/5" O717 "National drug threat assessment 2001 : the domestic perspective / National Drug Intelligence Center


"J 1.2:H 34" O717 "Healing to wellness courts : a preliminary overview of tribal drug courts / [prpepared by the Tribal Law & Policy Institute]"


"J 1.2:L 52" O717 "Do your legal career Justice : opportunities for entry-level attorneys and law students at the U.S. Department of Justice"


"J 1.2:ST 8/2" O717 "Promising strategies to reduce substance abuse / Office of Justice Programs"


"J 1.2:SU 6/2002" O717 "Application booklet. Summer law intern program for law students


"J 1.2:V 66/11" O717 "Victim/Witness Assistance Program"


"J 1.2:V 94" O717 "The right to vote : how federal law protects you"


"J 1.2:W 89/4/999" O717 "You have the right to work : don't let anyone take it away"


"J 1.2:W 89/4/999/SPAN" O717 "You have the right to work. Spanish";"Usted tiene el derecho a trabajar : no deje que se lo quiten"


"J 1.2:W 89/4/CHINES" O717 "You have the right to work. Chinese";"Nin you kung tso ti chuan li


"J 1.2:W 89/4/KOREAN" O717 "You have the right to work. Korean";"Tangsin un irhal kwolli ka kajigo issumnida : nugu to ku kwolli rul ppaeattchi mothadorok chikisipsiyo"


"J 1.2:W 89/4/VIETNA" O717 "You have the right to work. Vietnamese";"Ban co quyen duoc lam viec : dung de bat cu ai tuoc doat mat quyen nay"


"J 1.2:W 89/6" O717 "A change of focus : analysis and problem definition


"J 26.1/5:2000" 0968-H-30 "Program plan / Bureau of Justice Assistance"


"J 26.1/5:999" 0968-H-30 "Program plan / Bureau of Justice Assistance"


"J 26.2:P 88/2000" 0968-H-01 "Chelsea


"J 26.2:P 88/2000-3" 0968-H-01 "Memphis


"J 26.30/2:1" 0717-N-10 "Improving the nation's criminal justice system : findings and results from State and local program evaluations / Bureau of Justice Assistance"


"J 26.30:AL 5/2" 0717-N-01 "A second look at alleviating jail crowding : a systems perspective / Bureau of Justice Assistance"


"J 26.30:C 73/4" 0717-N-01 "Comprehensive communities program : promising approaches"


"J 26.30:C 83/2" 0717-N-01 "Community courts : an evolving model / prepared by Eric Lee"


"J 26.30:D 36/3" 0717-N-01 "Contracting for indigent defense services : a special report / prepared by the Spangenberg Group"


"J 26.30:F 51" 0717-N-01 "Reducing illegal firearms trafficking : promising practices and lessons learned / Bureau of Justice Assistance"


"J 26.30:IN 8/2" 0717-N-01 "Keynote presentations / 1999 Symposium on Integrated Justice Information Systems"


"J 26.30:IN 8/3" 0717-N-01 "Investing wisely in crime prevention : international experiences / prepared by Irvin Waller and Daniel Sansfaçon"


"J 26.30:J 98" 0717-N-01 "Juveniles in adult prisons and jails : a national assessment / James Austin


"J 26.30:R 29" 0717-N-01 "Keeping illegal activity out of rental property : a police guide for establishing landlord training programs"


"J 26.30:SO 4/2/997" 0717-N-01 "Open solicitation '97 : the results / prepared by Tamar Dor-Ner"


"J 26.30:SO 4/2/998" 0717-N-01 "FY 1998 open solicitation : the results / Bureau of Justice Assistance"


"J 26.32:C 83" 0717-N-01 "Opening the courts to the community : volunteers in Wisconsin's courts / by W. Clinton Terry III"


"J 26.32:K 54" 0717-N-01 "Kid's Korner program : city of Reno


"J 26.32:L 41" 0717-N-01 "A history of the local law enforcement block grants program : supporting local solutions to crime"


"J 26.32:T 68" 0717-N-01 "The National Training and Information Center : empowering communities to fight crime"


"J 26.32:Y 8" 0717-N-01 "Providing effective representation for youth prosecuted as adults / by Malcolm C. Young"


"J 26.33:B 99/2001" 0717-N-05 "Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance / U.S. Dept. of Justice


"J 26.33:C 17/2000" 0717-N-05 "The Watch Your Car Program"


"J 26.33:C 33/999" 0717-N-05 "Center for Task Force Training (CenTF) Program"


"J 26.33:C 62" 0717-N-05 "Boys & girls clubs of America"


"J 26.33:IN 8" 0717-N-05 "Rural law enforcement internet access


"J 26.33:L 41/2001" 0717-N-05 "FY ... Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program"


"J 26.33:L 41/999" 0717-N-05 "FY ... Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program"


"J 26.33:SA 1/2" 0717-N-05 "Public Safety Officers' Educational Assistance Program"


"J 26.33:SE 1" 0717-N-05 "The SEARCH national technical assistance and training program"


"J 26.33:ST 8" 0717-N-05 "Strategic approaches to clandestine drug laboratory enforcement"


"J 28.11:P 96/3/987-98" 0968-H-15 "The NIJ publications catalog"


"J 29.11/10:998" 0968-H-13 "Criminal victimization / Bureau of Justice Statistics"


"J 29.11/10:999" 0968-H-13 "Criminal victimization / Bureau of Justice Statistics"


"J 29.11/2:995" 0968-H-13 "Justice expenditure and employment in the United States


"J 29.11/5-2:999" 0968-H-33 "Prison and jail inmates / Bureau of Justice Statistics"


"J 29.11/5:998" 0968-H-33 "Prison and jail inmates / Bureau of Justice Statistics"


"J 29.11:C 49/2" 0968-H-13 "Civil trial cases and verdicts in large counties


"J 29.11:C 76" 0968-H-13 "Contract trials and verdicts in large counties


"J 29.11:D 36" 0968-H-13 "Indigent defense services in large counties : national survey of indigent defense systems


"J 29.11:F 51/2" 0968-H-13 "Background checks for firearm transfers


"J 29.11:H 19" 0968-H-13 "Presale handgun checks


"J 29.11:H 19/997" 0968-H-13 "Presale handgun checks ... : a national estimate / by Donald A Manson


"J 29.11:H 19/999" 0968-H-13 "Presale handgun checks / Bureau of Justice Statistics"


"J 29.11:L 41/2/998" 0968-H-13 "Federal law enforcement officers"


"J 29.11:P 93/3/997" 0968-H-13 "HIV in prisons / Bureau of Justice Statistics"


"J 29.11:T 63/2" 0968-H-13 "Tort trials and verdicts in large counties


"J 29.11:T 63/2/CORR" 0968-H-13 "Tort trials and verdicts in large counties


"J 29.13:C 86/10/CORR" 0968-H-16 "Effects of NIBRS on crime statistics / by Ramona R. Rantala with technical support from Thomas J. Edwards"


"J 29.13:D 84/6" 0968-H-16 "Drug use


"J 29.13:IN 2/CORR" 0968-H-16 "Incarcerated parents and their children / by Christopher J. Mumola"


"J 29.13:M 52" 0968-H-16 "Mental health and treatment of inmates and probationers / by Paula M. Ditton"


"J 29.13:OF 2/2" 0968-H-16 "Federal firearm offenders


"J 29.13:OF 2/3" 0968-H-16 "Offenders returning to federal prison


"J 29.13:V 64" 0968-H-16 "Veterans in prison or jail / by Christopher J. Mumola"


"J 29.13:V 66/3" 0968-H-16 "Urban


"J 29.13:W 84/2" 0968-H-16 "Women offenders / Lawrence A. Greenfeld and Tracy L. Snell"


"J 29.2:SH 5/997" 0717-R-01 "Sheriffs' departments"


"J 29.9/8:H 62/997" 0968-H-12 "Survey of state criminal history information systems / U.S. Department of Justice


"J 32.10:AD 7" 0718-A-09 "Preventing adolescent gang involvement / Finn-Aage Esbensen"


"J 32.10:C 58" 0718-A-09 "Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse : your information resource"


"J 32.10:C 73/4" 0718-A-09 "The community assessment centers concept / by Debra Oldenettel and Madeline Wordes"


"J 32.10:C 86" 0718-A-09 "Reporting crimes against juveniles / David Finkelhor and Richard Ormrod"


"J 32.10:C 86/2" 0718-A-09 "Characteristics of crimes against juveniles / David Finkelhor and Richard Ormrod"


"J 32.10:C 96" 0718-A-09 "State custody rates


"J 32.10:D 48" 0718-A-09 "Detention diversion advocacy : an evaluation / Randall G. Shelden"


"J 32.10:ED 8/3" 0718-A-09 "Special education and the juvenile justice system / Sue Burrell and Loren Warboys"


"J 32.10:F 21/3" 0718-A-09 "Family disruption and delinquency / Terrence P. Thornberry ... [et al.]"


"J 32.10:F 21/4" 0718-A-09 "Families and schools together : building relationships / by Lynn McDonald


"J 32.10:F 21/5" 0718-A-09 "Brief strategic family therapy / Michael S. Robbins and José Szapocznik"


"J 32.10:F 21/6" 0718-A-09 "Family skills training for parents and children / Karol L. Kumpfer and Connie M. Tait"


"J 32.10:F 21/7" 0718-A-09 "Functional family therapy / Thomas L. Sexton and James F. Alexander"


"J 32.10:J 98/16" 0718-A-09 "Prevention of serious and violent juvenile offending / Gail A. Wasserman


"J 32.10:J 98/17" 0718-A-09 "Juvenile Mentoring Program : a progress review / Laurence C. Novotney ... [et al.]"


"J 32.10:J 98/18" 0718-A-09 "Fighting juvenile gun violence / David Sheppard ... [et al.]"


"J 32.10:L 41/3" 0718-A-09 "Law enforcement referral of at-risk youth : the SHIELD Program / Phelan A. Wyrick"


"J 32.10:N 21" 0718-A-09 "Minorities in the juvenile justice system"


"J 32.10:N 21/5" 0718-A-09 "Children as victims"


"J 32.10:N 93" 0718-A-09 "The Nurturing Parenting Programs / Stephen J. Bavolek"


"J 32.10:P 42" 0718-A-09 "The High/Scope Perry Preschool Project / Greg Parks"


"J 32.10:P 94/3" 0718-A-09 "Juvenile victims of property crimes / David Finkelhor and Richard Ormrod"


"J 32.10:SCH 6/3" 0718-A-09 "School and community interventions to prevent serious and violent offending / Richard F. Catalano


"J 32.10:SCH 6/3" 0718-A-09 "School and community interventions to prevent serious and violent offending / Richard F. Catalano


"J 32.10:T 22/2" 0718-A-09 "Teen courts : a focus on research / Jeffrey A. Butts and Janeen Buck"


"J 32.10:T 68" 0718-A-09 "Competency training : the Strengthening Families Program


"J 32.10:Y 8/11" 0718-A-09 "Youth gangs in schools / James C. Howell and James P. Lynch"


"J 32.10:Y 8/7" 0718-A-09 "Youth Out of the Education Mainstream : a North Carolina profile / Pam Riley and Joanne McDaniel"


"J 32.10:Y 8/8" 0718-A-09 "Community policing and youth / Jeff Slowikowski and Helen Connelling"


"J 32.10:Y 8/9" 0718-A-09 "The youth gang drug trafficking / James C. Howell and Debra K. Gleason"


"J 32.11:P 96/998" 0718-A-32 "Publications list / U.S. Dept. of Justice


"J 32.2:AC 2/2000/DEC" 0718-A-05 "Increasing school safety through juvenile accountability programs / Scott H. Decker"


"J 32.2:AC 2/2000/JAN" 0718-A-05 "Construction


"J 32.2:AC 2/2000/MAY" 0718-A-05 "Developing a policy for controlled substance testing of juveniles / Ann H. Crowe and Linda Sydney"


"J 32.2:AC 2/2000/MAY-2"0718-A-05 "Ten steps for implementing a program of controlled substance testing of juveniles / Ann H. Crowe and Linda Sydney"


"J 32.2:AC 2/999/DEC" 0718-A-05 "Enabling prosecutors to address drug


"J 32.2:AC 2/999/NOV" 0718-A-05 "Workload measurement for juvenile justice system personnel : practices and needs / Hunter Hurst III"


"J 32.20/2:G 15/2" 0718-A-25 "Youth gang programs and strategies : summary / James C. Howell"


"J 32.20/3:J 97" 0718-A-28 "Jurisdictional technical assistance package for juvenile corrections / Ann H. Crowe"


"J 32.20:C 43" 0718-A-09 "Safe from the start : taking action on children exposed to violence : summary / [by Wendy B. Jacobson]"


"J 32.20:J 98" 0718-A-24 "Juvenile transfers to criminal court in the 1990's : lessons learned from four studies : summary / Howard N. Snyder


"J 32.20:Y 8" 0718-A-24 "Comprehensive responses to youth at risk : interim findings from the SafeFutures initiative : summary / Elaine Morley ... [et al.]"


"J 32.21:101" 0718-G "Juvenile court processing of delinquency cases


"J 32.21:103" 0718-G "Highlights of findings from the Rochester Youth Development Study / by Katharine Browning


"J 32.21:116" 0718-G "Job training for juveniles : project CRAFT / Robin Hamilton and Kay McKinney"


"J 32.21:117" 0718-G "Residential placement of adjudicated youth


"J 32.21:118" 0718-G "Teen courts in the United States : a profile of current programs / Jeffrey Butts


"J 32.21:119" 0718-G "Initiatives to improve child welfare outcomes / by Lynn Marble"


"J 32.21:123" 0718-G "Highlights of the 1998 National Youth Gang Survey / by John P. Moore and Ivan L. Cook"


"J 32.21/2-2:10" 0718-G-02 "Meetings -- make them work! / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:16" 0718-G-02 "Creating publications : write to fight crime / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:2" 0718-G-02 "Wipe out vandalism and graffiti / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:3" 0718-G-02 "Stand up and start a school crime watch! / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:4" 0718-G-02 "Youth preventing drug abuse / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:5" 0718-G-02 "Two generations : partners in prevention / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:6" 0718-G-02 "Cross-age teaching / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:7" 0718-G-02 "Plan a special event! / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:8" 0718-G-02 "Make a friend : be a peer mentor / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2-2:9" 0718-G-02 "Community cleanup / National Youth Network"


"J 32.21/2:2000/5" 0718-G-01 "Involving youth in civic life / by Phillip Lovell and Ashley Price"


"J 32.21/2:9904" 0718-G-01 "Teens


"J 32.21:2000/01" 0718-G "Vietnamese youth gang involvement / by Phelan A. Wyrick"


"J 32.21:2000/08" 0718-G "Census of juveniles in residential placement databook / by Melissa Sickmund"


"J 32.21:2000/10" 0718-G "Juvenile vandalism"


"J 32.21:2000/11" 0718-G "Innovative information on juvenile residential facilities / by Joseph Moone"