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Commenting on this Mashable article :
@techzulu on the scene at afi digifest, @kwlow en route. Lunch at uwink.
At afi digifest w/ @jaybushman great talks on alt reality, machinima and other new media goodies
Police force at hollywood and highland. Protest against prop 8. Anyone over there?
is hopeful that prop 8 gets shut down. no no no on 8
I'm very optimistic. it's time for some sunnier skies after 8 years of darker times. Yes we can!
@garyvee the looks awesome. do you have a wine club for WL? i'd love to gift my bro with a bottle & wristband
@MackReed those campaign ads are ridiculously awesome
Commenting on this Mashable article :
@garyvee what do you think about a little integration of @pleasedressme w/ an APML data import to find the right shirt? DataPortability FTW!
man, surprised how many people at Nielsen have adopted Yammer. pretty rad
Causecast is live. check it out now!
@netzoo man what was with that latimes link? Was it hacked? Or maybe a mistake from the author's bookmarks ;-)
@oodleday i'll let you know if i get any more
@oodleday they've also got some cool contact management tools learn more at
@oodleday is a way to manage all your online identies with your own domain. i.e. http://mjlambie. they bought all guam's(??) domains invite sold to @4four1ones . if i get anymore i'll get the rest of you.
i've got one last invite if anyone is interested
@rocknrollgeek i'll let you know how it goes. i can't wait. i'm switchin next week
@rocknrollgeek @baroncmiller I'm ditching my time warner to give att u-verse a shot. if it works like it says it should. it should be good


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams rabble danah boyd Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin derek dukes om kareem Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch J Chris Anderson Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Matthew Bellows the daniel Aubrey Sabala Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters lane Thor Muller Amy Muller Jason Fields Justine Joe Crawford Chris Brogan drew olanoff Chuck Olsen Steve Woolf
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