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Just had dinner with a reporter from India. Discussion heightened my fear that Pakistan will collapse as a country within a year. Yikes.
At the NewsXchange conference in Valencia, Spain, listening to TV execs debate celeb coverage. Turns out they'd rather cover "real news."
Goodbye Washington! That was a great ten hours we had together today. Now it's time for a milkshake and to be off again! Next stop: Spain.
Favorite sign from Missouri, which is in the midst of deer season (sign at the end of a farm driveway): "Will take unwanted deer."
At a globalization symposium at Westminster College in Fulton, Mo., listening to the very brilliant Lt. Col. John Nagl on counterinsurgency.
At Artisan Coffee in Columbia, Mo., working for the afternoon after a lunch talk on "The Facebook Election" at Mizzou. I miss college life.
Nature at its finest: Beautiful sunset AND a rainbow over Raleigh as I fly home to DC.
A beautiful fall day at Duke, where I'm for a panel on the election. Had a nice visit with my grandparents last night in Raleigh.
Odd sight at DCA: There's an Army private in dress uniform walking around the terminal in handcuffs with two other soldiers guarding him.
@punditmom read the context & examine his record—his comments were hypothetical (not his own beliefs) & he hired more female deans than ever ...
@punditmom it's a sad waste of talent that Summers' "provocative" comments are causing people to cast him aside. He (and we) deserve better.
Least important Breaking News alert ever from ABC: "'Pregnant Man' Thomas Beatie tells ABC's Barbara Walters he is expecting second child."
What a day—and I know I wasn't the only one. I hope tomorrow is better. Anyone recall Sorkin's "Sports Night"? Well, I think Eli came today. ...
Is there a VIP in trouble? Ambulance heading down Connecticut Ave right now with Secret Service SWAT team tailing it.
Quick! Buy GOOG—now selling for a bargain price of $290 last achieved in September 2005. Not GM's current price from 1940, but still....
To all our veterans out there, thanks for your service & our freedom. Last Tuesday underscored why this country is worth the fighting for.
Oh Metro, you tricky duck. You get me every Veterans Day with your Saturday schedule.
On the phone with US Weekly talking about the Obama children. Um, yes, THAT US Weekly. I still say Maret.
Amusing crowd observation from today's WH visit: Top Google Trend subjects: "how tall is george bush" and "how tall is michelle obama."
From my reporting, it looks like the Obama girls will likely attend the Maret School in DC:


Mike Carvalho Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Nancy Scola Aldon Hynes nicco mele Tom Bridge Joshua Levy Rich Orris Robert Scoble Alex Payne Kent Mr Anderson CNN Breaking News John Edwards Joi Ito Steve Rubel Tom Lee Emily Thorson Micah Sifry Michael Whitney Todd Plants Jim Brayton Todd Zeigler Paul Vogelzang Brian Reich Barack Obama Michael Arrington Ryan Brack Tim Jones Michael Krempasky Jason Rosenberg perks James Joyner
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