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Committee Markups and Meetings for the 110th Congress

notepad and penMost subcommittee and full committee meetings occur to mark up legislation -- to consider, amend, and report legislation within the Committee's jurisdiction to the House for consideration by all House members. The Committee may also meet for "housekeeping" purposes, such as organization at the beginning of a Congress.

A detailed Committee "action sheet" is posted here as soon as possible after each markup or meeting has adjourned. The archived Web cast, if available, will also be posted here. Note: links to bills on this Web page take you to the Library of Congress Thomas Legislative Information System.

bullet September 23, 2008
Committee on Energy and Commerce Markup of:
H.R. 3232, the “Travel Promotion Act of 2007”;
H.R. 3402, the “Calling Card Consumer Protection Act”;
H.R. 1157, the “Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act of 2007”;
H.R. 6568, the “Tom Lantos Pulmonary Hypertension Research and Education Act of 2008”
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bullet September 17, 2008
Committee on Energy and Commerce Markup of:
H.R. 6469, the “Organ Transplant Authorization Act of 2008”;
S. 1760
, the “Healthy Start Reauthorization Act of 2007”;
H.R. 1532, the “Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination Act of 2007”;
H.R. 2994, the “National Pain Care Policy Act of 2007”;
H.R. 5265, the “Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Community Assistance, Research, and Education Amendments of 2008”;
H.R. 6901, the “Meth Free Families and Communities Act”;
H.R. 1014, the “Heart Disease Education, Analysis Research, and Treatment (HEART) for Women Act”;
H.R. 6353, the “Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008”;
H.R. 2583, the “Physician Workforce and Graduate Medical Education Enhancement Act of 2007”;
H.R. 6908, the "Health Insurance Source of Injury Clarification Act of 2008"; and
H.R. 758, the “Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act of 2007”.
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bullet September 16, 2008
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection Markup of:
H.R. 3232
, the “Travel Promotion Act of 2007”; and
H.R. 3402, the “Calling Card Consumer Protection Act”
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bullet July 23, 2008
Committee on Energy and Commerce Markup of:
H.R. 6357, the “Protecting Records, Optimizing Treatment, and Easing Communication through Healthcare Technology Act of 2008” or the “PRO(TECH)T Act of 2008”.
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bullet July 16, 2008
Committee on Energy and Commerce Markup of:
H.R. 2851,
“Michelle’s Law, ” amended;
H.R. 6432
, the “Animal Drug User Fee Amendments of 2008”; and
H.R. 6433
, the “Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act of 2008”.
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bullet July 9, 2008
Subcommittee on Health Markup of:
H.R. 2851,
"Michelle’s Law";
H.R. 6432
, the "Animal Drug User Fee Amendments of 2008"; and
H.R. 6433
, the "Animal Generic Drug User Fee Act of 2008".
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bullet June 25, 2008
Subcommittee on Health Markup of:
H.R. 6357, the “Protecting Records, Optimizing Treatment, and Easing Communication through Healthcare Technology Act of 2008” or the “PRO(TECH)T Act of 2008”.
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bullet June 12, 2008
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Business Meeting
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bullet May 7, 2008
Committee on Energy and Commerce Markup of:
H.R. 1343, the “Health Centers Renewal Act of 2008”;
H.R. 5669, the “Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act of 2008”;
H.R. 1553, the “Conquer Childhood Cancer Act of 2008”; and
Other committee business regarding sending legislation to conference.
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bullet April 23, 2008
Subcommittee on Health Markup of:
H.R. 1343, the “Health Centers Renewal Act of 2007”;
H.R. 5669, the “Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act of 2008”;
H.R. 1553, the “Conquer Childhood Cancer Act of 2007”; and
H.R. 3112, the “Prenatally Diagnosed Condition Awareness Act of 2007”.
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bullet April 16, 2008
Committee on Energy and Commerce Markup of:
H.R. 5613, the “Protecting the Medicaid Safety Net Act of 2008”
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bullet April 9, 2008
Subcommittee on Health Markup of:
H.R. 5613, the “Protecting the Medicaid Safety Net Act of 2008”
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bullet April 2, 2008
Committee on Energy and Commerce Markup of:
H.R. 1108, the “Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act”, as forwarded by the Subcommittee on Health.
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bullet March 13, 2008
Committee on Energy and Commerce Markup of:
H.R. 3754, a bill to authorize the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to accept, as part of a settlement, diesel emission reduction Supplemental Environmental Projects, and for other purposes
H.R. 1198, the “Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act of 2008”;
H.R. 2464, the “Wakefield Act”;
H.R. 1237, the “Cytology Proficiency Improvement Act of 2007”;
H.R. 3701, the “Safety of Seniors Act of 2008”;
H.R. 2063, the “Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Act of 2008”;
H.R. 3825, the “Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2008” ; and
H.R. 1418, the “ Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2008”.
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bullet March 11, 2008
Subcommittee on Health Markup of:
H.R. 1108
, the “Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act” (Rep. Waxman);
H.R. 1198, the “Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act of 2007” (Rep. Capps);
H.R. 2464, the “Wakefield Act” (Rep. Matheson);
H.R. 1237, the “Cytology Proficiency Improvement Act of 2007” (Rep. Gordon);
H.R. 3701, the “Keeping Seniors Safe From Falls Act of 2007” (Rep. Pallone);
H.R. 2063, the “Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Act of 2007” (Rep. Lowey);
H.R. 3825, the “Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007” (Rep. Roybal-Allard); and
H.R. 1418, the “Reauthorization of the Traumatic Brain Injury Act” (Rep. Pascrell).
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bullet March 6, 2008
Subcommittee on Health Markup of:
H.R. 1108
, the “Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act” (Rep. Waxman);
H.R. 1198, the “Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act of 2007” (Rep. Capps);
H.R. 2464, the “Wakefield Act” (Rep. Matheson);
H.R. 1237, the “Cytology Proficiency Improvement Act of 2007” (Rep. Gordon);
H.R. 3701, the “Keeping Seniors Safe From Falls Act of 2007” (Rep. Pallone);
H.R. 2063, the “Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Act of 2007” (Rep. Lowey);
H.R. 3825, the “Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007” (Rep. Roybal-Allard); and
H.R. 1418, the “Reauthorization of the Traumatic Brain Injury Act” (Rep. Pascrell).
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bullet March 5, 2008
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Business Meeting:
The purpose of the meeting is to authorize the issuance of a subpoena ad testificandum to Steven E. Mendell, President of Hallmark/Westland Meat Company, for testimony regarding the circumstances surrounding his company’s recent recall of over 143 million pounds of beef products after the United States Department of Agriculture determined the products were unfit for human consumption.  The scheduled date of his testimony is Wednesday, March 12, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. in room 2123 Rayburn House Office Building

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bullet February 13, 2008
Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality markup of:
H.R. 3754, To authorize the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to accept, as part of a settlement, diesel emission reduction Supplemental Environmental Projects, and for other purposes
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bullet January 29, 2008
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Business Meeting:
The purpose of the meeting is to authorize the issuance of subpoenas for witnesses and documents in connection with the Subcommittee's ongoing investigation into the adequacy of the efforts of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to protect the American public from excesive risks from prescription drugs and other matters.
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bullet December 18, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of:
H.R. 4040
, the "Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act of 2007"
H.R. 1216, the "Cameron Gulbransen Kids and Cars Safety Act of 2007"
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bullet December 13, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of:
H.R. 4040
, the "Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act of 2007"
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bullet November 15, 2007
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection markup of:
H.R. 4040
, the "Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act of 2007"
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bullet November 8, 2007
Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials markup of:
H.R. 1747
, the "Safe Drinking Water for Healthy Communities Act of 2007"
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bullet November 7, 2007
Subcommittee on Health markup of:
H.R. 1328
, the "Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2007"
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bullet October 30, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of:
H.R. 1534
, the “Mercury Export Ban Act of 2007”, amended;
H.R. 3461, the “Safeguarding America’s Families by Enhancing and Reorganizing New and Efficient Technologies Act of 2007”, amended;
H.R. 2601, the “Do-Not-Call Registry Fee Extension Act of 2007”, amended;
H.R. 3541, the “Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007”;
H.R. 3526, To include all banking agencies within the existing regulatory authority under the Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to depository institutions, and for other purposes, amended;
H.R. 3403, the “911 Modernization and Safety Act of 2007”, amended; and
H.R. 3919, the “Broadband Census of America Act of 2007”.
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bullet October 23, 2007
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection markup of:
H.R. 2601, a bill to extend the authority of the Federal Trade Commission to collect fees to administer and enforce the provisions relating to the ‘Do-not-call’ registry of the Telemarketing Sales Rule;
H.R. 3461, the “Safeguarding America’s Families by Enhancing and Reorganizing New and Efficient Technologies Act of 2007”; and
H.R. 3526, a bill to include all banking agencies within the existing regulatory authority under the Federal Trade Commission Act with respect to depository institutions, and for other purposes.
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bullet October 16, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of:
H.R. 1236, To make permanent the authority of the United States Postal Service to issue a special postage stamp to support breast cancer research, amended; and
H.R. 1424, the “Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007”, amended.
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bullet October 10, 2007
Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet markup of:
H.R. 3403, the "911 Modernization and Safety Act of 2007"; and
Committee Print on H.R. _____, the “Broadband Census of America Act of 2007”.
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bullet October 10, 2007
Subcommittee on Health markup of:
H.R. 1236, a bill to make permanent the authority of the United States Postal Service to issue a special postage stamp to support breast cancer research; and
H.R. 1424, the "Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007"
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bullet September 27, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of:
H.R. 20, the "Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Care Act", amended;
H.R. 2295, the "ALS Registry Act", amended;
H.R. 507, the "Vision Care for Kids Act of 2007", amended;
H.R. 1727, the "Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act";
H.R. 970, the "Dextromethorphan Distribution Act of 2007";
H.R. 814, the "Children’s Gasoline Burn Prevention Act", amended;
H.R. 1699, the "Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act", amended;
H.R. 2474, the "Product Safety Civil Penalties Improvement Act"; and
H.R. 1721, the "Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act", amended.
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bullet August 2 , 2007
Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials markup of:
H.R. 1534 , the "Mercury Export Ban Act of 2007".
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bullet July 31, 2007
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection markup of:
H.R. 814, the "Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act ";
H.R. 1699, the "Danny Keysar Child Product Safety Notification Act";
H.R. 2474, to provide for an increased maximum civil penalty for violations under the Consumer Product Safety Act; and
H.R. 1721, the "Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act".
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bullet July 27, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of:
H.R. 20, the "Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Care Act", amended;
H.R. 2295, the "ALS Registry Act", amended;
H.R. 507, the "Vision Care for Kids Act of 2007", amended; and
H.R. 3162 , the "Children's Health and Medicare Protection (CHAMP) Act of 2007".
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bullet July 26, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of:
H.R. 20, the "Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Care Act", amended;
H.R. 2295, the "ALS Registry Act", amended;
H.R. 507, the "Vision Care for Kids Act of 2007", amended; and
H.R. 3162 , the "Children's Health and Medicare Protection (CHAMP) Act of 2007".
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bullet July 19, 2007
Subcommittee on Health markup of:
H.R. 20, the "Melanie Blocker-Stokes Postpartum Depression Research and Care Act";
H.R. 2295, the "ALS Registry Act"; and
H.R. 507, the "Vision Care for Kids Act of 2007".
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June 28, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of Committee prints on energy policy legislation.
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June 27, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of Committee prints on energy policy legislation.
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buttonJune 21, 2007
Committee on Energy and Commerce markup of:
Committee prints for the Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments of 2007;
the Medical Device User Fee Amendments of 2007; and
other FDA legislation.
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buttonJune 20, 2007
Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality markup of Committee prints related to energy policy legislation.
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buttonJune 19, 2007
Subcommittee on Health markup of:
the Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments of 2007;
the Medical Device User Fee Amendments of 2007; and
other FDA legislation.
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buttonMay 10, 2007
Full Committee markup of:
H.R. 964, the "Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass" or "Spy Act"
H.R. 948, the "Social Security Number Protection Act of 2007"
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buttonApril 19, 2007
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection markup of:
H.R. 964, the Securely Protect Yourself Against Cyber Trespass Act or the Spy Act.
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button March 23, 2007
Full Committee markup of:
H.R. 493, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2007, amended.
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button March 22, 2007
Full Committee markup of:
H.R. 518, International Solid Waste Importation
H.R. 493, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, amended.
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button March 20, 2007
Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials markup of:
H.R. 518, International Solid Waste Importation and Management Act of 2007.
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button March 15, 2007
Full Committee markup of:
H.R. 251
, Truth in Caller ID Act of 2007, amended;
H.R. 477, Stroke Treatment and Ongoing Prevention Act;
H.R. 727, Trauma Care Systems Planning and Development Act of 2007;
H.R. 545, Native American Methamphetamine Enforcement and Treatment Act of 2007; and
H.R. 1132, National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Reauthorization Act of 2007.
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button March 13, 2007
Subcommittee on Health markup of:
H.R. 477, the “Stroke Treatment and Ongoing Prevention Act”;
H.R. 727, the“Trauma Care Systems Planning and Development Act of 2007”;
H.R. 545, the “Native American Methamphetamine Enforcement and Treatment Act of 2007”;
H.R. 1132, the “National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Reauthorization Act of 2007”; and
H.R. 493, the “Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act”.
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button March 1, 2007
Full Committee meeting to adopt 110th Congress Oversight plan and two other organizational matters.
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button February 28, 2007
Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet markup of:
H.R. 251, Truth in Caller ID Act of 2007
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button February 6, 2007
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Business Meeting:
The purpose of the meeting is to authorize the issuance of subpoenas for the Subcommittee hearing entitled "The Adequacy of FDA Efforts to Assure the Safety of the Drug Supply" planned to be held on Tuesday, February 13, 20078.
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button January 10, 2007
Full Committee Organizational Meeting
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