Kit Bond

U.S. Senator - Missouri




Hot Topic!

At kitchen tables in Missouri and across the nation the talk is about what the crisis on Wall Street means for Main Street.


Families are worried about what the financial crisis means for their own financial security.


Will the job loss for traders and brokers mean job loss for truckers and teachers?


The folks I’ve heard from want to know what the government is going to do to protect their jobs, protect their savings accounts, and protect their tax dollars.


I want to do just that.  Which is why I have been fighting to ensure that any financial crisis response headed for Wall Street protects taxpayers with Main Street values.


Just today I wrote to Treasury Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke.  I told these officials that any plan Congress passes must include:


• Accountability so we don’t reward those who made bad decisions.

• Oversight so that taxpayer dollars are protected and past mistakes aren’t repeated.

• Transparency so that everyone can know that their money is safe.



 What does this mean in practical terms?


• It means no “golden parachutes” for failed executives who got us in this mess in the first place.

• It means taxpayer equity in participating firms.

• It means independent oversight of Treasury’s actions under this program.


I believe we must act to address this crisis. 



But I want families at kitchen tables in St. Louis, in Springfield, in my home town of Mexico to know that I also think we must act responsibly.

Related Records:

Recent News Releases*

JULY 2008

MAY 2008

APRIL 2008

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Recent Floor Statements*

APRIL 2008

*Currently displaying the latest 10 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.

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