United States Senator Tom Coburn

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Dr. Coburn Says Senate Leaders Should Encourage, not Cut Off, Debate on Massive $10 Billion Omnibus Spending Bill

July 26, 2008

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released the following statement today after Senate Majority Leader Reid attempted to cut off debate on a bloated election-year $10 billion omnibus spending bill.

“This exercise is nothing but an attempt by Majority Leader Reid to distract public attention from his obstruction of common sense energy policies. Instead of working together with his colleagues on a broad array of reforms, including increasing energy exploration, Senator Reid is blocking progress,” Dr. Coburn said.

“No one in America believes the United States Senate should stop its work on energy policy so it can move on to legislation that regulates the commerce of non-human primates, funds a botanical garden and celebrates the War of 1812. None of these programs will lower the price of gas,” Dr. Coburn said.

“Even though I oppose moving off of energy at this time, I have offered in good faith to limit debate on the Majority Leader’s omnibus package of unrelated items. I have also identified for the Majority Leader specific offsets totaling $45 billion that could help pay for his new programs. Unfortunately, I haven’t received the courtesy of a response. Most of the bills in this package could pass today if the Majority Leader would take the simple step of doing what every American family does every day and agree to live within our means,” Dr. Coburn said.

July 2008 Press Releases