United States Senator Tom Coburn

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July 21, 2008

Reid's National Priorities?

Senator Reid unveiled his long threatened omnibus bill yesterday that he called the Advancing America’s Priorities Act. The Reid Omnibus is 398 pages and contains approximately 35 various bills.

So what are America’s priorities according to the Senate Majority Leader? A close examination makes it obvious why the approval ratings of Congress have dropped to historic lows in the single digits.

S. 1498, the “Captive Primate Safety Act” (S-CHIMP?)

S. 1079, the “Star-Spangled Banner and War of 1812 Bicentennial Commission Act”

S. 1446, the “National Capital Transportation Amendments Act of 2007”

For more on Reid's national priorities click here

Dr. Coburn's speech on Reid's "national priorities" click here

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