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Grassley News


WASHINGTON – Senator Chuck Grassley today said that Iowans have until December 1 to ... Read More >>

Grassley Blog

   Don’t forget to check out my call-in cable show tomorrow at 6:30 CT on your... Read More >>

About Grassley

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley has earned the trust of Iowans and made his mark in Washington with his commitment to constituents, more accountable government, and common sense solutions. Senator Grassley tells it like it is and gets things done.

Chuck Grassley makes it his business to keep in touch by holding a meeting in every one of Iowa’s 99 counties at least one time every year. His offices in Iowa and Washington are the go-to place for constituent services.

A renowned watchdog, Senator Grassley is tenacious in keeping the federal bureaucracy on its toes. He seeks reforms that bring openness and transparency. He champions and protects whistleblowers who put everything on the line to expose wrongdoing. Grassley-sponsored whistleblower amendments enacted in 1986 have recovered more than $20 billion to the U.S. Treasury that otherwise would have been lost to fraud.

When it comes to making policy, Senator Grassley is workhorse and an honest broker. He’s achieved great legislative success, and his committee assignments are right on when it comes to looking out for Iowans and building opportunities for all Americans. Senator Grassley is the Ranking Member of the Finance Committee. This committee is responsible for taxes, Social Security, health care, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare policy, worker pensions, and international trade. On the Agriculture Committee, Senator Grassley is the only working family farmer. He’s an outspoken voice and proven legislator for family farms and renewable energy. As a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Grassley is a leader in debates over competition that benefits consumers, bankruptcy law, legal system reforms, counter-narcotics, the federal courts, and immigration. Finally, as a senior member of the Budget Committee, Senator Grassley demonstrates that he’s as careful with the taxpayers’ money as his own.

Senator Grassley returns home to Butler County, Iowa almost every weekend. He and his wife Barbara raised five children and enjoy nine grandchildren.