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The Capitol BuildingParking in the United States House of Representatives garages, lots, and designated parking areas is for Members, staff, and authorized personnel in support of the House of Representatives. Parking in these areas shall be on a "permit only" basis.

All vehicles parked in House permit-only areas must display both valid license plates and a current parking permit. Current permits must be displayed on the front fork of motorcycles and on the seat support of bicycles. The parking permit must be clearly visible upon entry and remain visible while parked on House premises. In addition to a permit, all staff must display a valid Congressional ID upon entering garages and lots.

The House will not be liable for any damage or theft caused to any motor vehicle, or contents thereof, while parked in a House parking garage or on a House parking lot, whether or not the garage or lot is attended.


Submit a Parking Request OnlineSubmit a Request Online
Multiple Vehicles
Unreserved Parking
Reserved Parking
Member Parking Plates
Carpool Parking
Evening and Night Parking
Americans with Disabilities Act
Group and Event Parking


1. Parking permits must be authorized through the office of a House employing authority and are available only to current House Members and staff holding a valid Congressional ID. Permits shall be for the use of the permit holders as authorized by their employing authority only and are non-transferable among employing authorities.

2. Members and staff receiving a mass transit benefit are not eligible for parking permits. (This does not apply to bicycles. Members and staff who utilize mass transit benefits can obtain a bicycle permit for the outside bicycle racks)

3. Spouses of Members may park in any garage or lot, on a space available basis and will be issued temporary permits if they are not using the Member plate. In addition, spouses will be required to present a Spouse ID.

4. The Director of House Garages and Parking Security will reassign permits upon receipt of written notification on office letterhead and signed by employing authority of the new authorized users and vehicles. Upon termination of employment, staff must have their permits removed.

5. A police report and affidavit must be immediately filed with the Office of House Garages and Parking Security for any lost or stolen permit. If a permit is stolen, the permit holder must report the theft immediately to the U.S. Capitol Police and immediately thereafter file a copy of the police report and a U.S. House of Representatives (Stolen Parking Permit) Affidavit with the Office of House Garages and Parking Security (extension 5-6749).

6. Temporary permits may be issued at the request of an employing authority on a space available basis. Requests on the office letterhead signed by the employing authority and provide the user's name and vehicle information (make, model, color, and license plate information). The maximum duration of temporary permits is 14 days. An individual may not be issued temporary permits which exceed 14 days in the aggregate in a six month period, unless otherwise authorized by the Committee on House Administration.

7. Authorized permit holders who temporarily need to use an alternate vehicle should contact the Office of House Garages and Parking Security for a temporary permit for that vehicle.

8. Temporary permits will be issued for outside parking as available. Any request for specific areas will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


1. Members and staff may register more than one vehicle to a single parking permit.

2. Staff with multiple vehicles should register their additional vehicle(s) with the Office of House Garages and Parking Security. Permits will be applied to each registered vehicle by the Office of House Garages and Parking Security (G2-28 Rayburn).

3. Staff with multiple vehicles may have only one (1) vehicle parked in House permit-only areas at any one time.

4. Staff registering more than three (3) vehicles must show vehicle registrations for all vehicles as proof of ownership.


1. Members of the House may choose their unreserved parking space from any available space in the various garages/lots/streets.

2. Unreserved staff parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the designated parking areas assigned to the employing office.

3. Vehicles, including motorcycles and bicycles, may not be stored in unreserved spaces in House garages, lots, or designated on-street parking areas. "Stored" is defined as being continuously parked in an unreserved space for more than forty-five consecutive calendar days or a vehicle that does not display both a current parking permit and valid license plates.


1. Members of the House may choose their reserved parking spaces from any unassigned space in the various garages.

2. Staff must choose their reserved space from the designated parking areas indicated on their permit.

3. Each person who reserves or shares a reserved indoor space incurs additional taxable income as a working condition fringe benefit. Under the tax code and IRS regulations, Members and their employees have imputed taxable income to the extent that the fair market value of Government-provided parking exceeds $190.00/month. The fair market value of an indoor space at the House of Representatives is $290.00/month and therefore, as of January 3, 2003, the imputed taxable income is $100.00/month. These amounts are subject to change. (Contact Human Resources for current rates at x5-2450)

4. Individuals with reserved parking will be permitted to park their vehicles in their designated spaces for an indefinite period of time with valid license plates.


Member parking plates are for the use of Member and spouse, as well as for immediate transportation of the Member by staff. Former Members will be permitted to park using either temporary permits or Member parking plates from previous Congresses, but must also present a former Member ID.


House employees interested in carpool parking should contact the Office of House Garages and Parking Security (extension 5-6749). Carpools must have a minimum of two employees from House employing offices. Each carpool will be issued a parking permit on a first-come, first-served basis, according to space available.


Off-hour parking for swing shift employees, i.e. 2:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m., will be allowed in House garages and lots based on space availability. Evening parking permits must be authorized through a House employing authority. Offices interested in evening parking should contact the Office of House garages and Parking Security (extension 5-6749).


Staff authorized a parking permit by their employing authority who require accessible parking based on ADA considerations will be accommodated on an as-needed basis in spaces clearly marked for handicapped use. Such permits will come from the pool of permits assigned to the office. Staff will be required to display the State-assigned handicap designation.


Parking for morning and evening functions on the House side of the Capitol Hill complex will be permitted before 8:30 a.m. and after 5:30 p.m. on designated lots for groups requesting such parking accommodations through a House Member. The request should be made, in writing, on the office letterhead and signed by the Member, identifying the group, the date and time, the location of the function, and the appropriate number of vehicles to be parked. Requests should be mailed or faxed to the Director of House Garages and Parking Security (G2-28 Rayburn, fax 6-1950). Groups will be accompanied on a designated outside House lot (other than the East Plaza) located as conveniently as possible to the function, and based upon the space available.


Violations include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to display proper identification (license plates and parking permit or Member plate) while in a garage, lot, or designated on-street parking area
  • Failure to park in the assigned space, garage, lot, or parking area
  • Failure to park within marked spaces
  • Improper use of a Member plate
  • Unauthorized parking in reserved spaces
  • Storing of a vehicle in any House garage, lot, or designated parking area

Notice of violation(s) will be provided as follows:

  1. Written notice, from House Garages and Parking Security, placed on vehicle;
  2. Phone call to permit holder;
  3. Letter giving notice of the violation(s), from House Garages and Parking Security, will be hand-delivered to the permit holder and their employing authority.
  4. If the permit holder fails to take corrective actions within two days of the receipt of the letter, the Office of Garages and Parking Security will remove the permit from the vehicle.

Vehicles that are determined to be a security risk or create a hazard will be immediately towed.




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Committee On House Administrationbullet1309 Longworth BuildingbulletWashington, DC 20515bulletTelephone: 202-225-2061bulletFax: 202-226-2774