
Date Title
11/21/08 Domenici Praises Plan to Double Capacity of Uranium Enrichment Facility in Lea County
11/20/08 Senate Sends White House Domenici's ABQ Indian School Land Transfer Bill
11/20/08 Domenici: N.M. Earned Almost $615 Million in FY2008 Federal Oil and Gas Royalties
11/17/08 Domenici's "Access" Radio Show--Questions & Answers with New Mexico Radio Journalists
11/13/08 Domenici's New Mexico Field Office to Close Friday
10/30/08 Domenici Commends Los Alamos Development, Urges Continued Progress to Diversify Region's Economy
10/30/08 Domenici Questions NFL Game Network Broadcast Strategy, Could Restrict N.M. Viewers
10/26/08 Domenici Statement on Tony Hillerman
10/25/08 Domenici Praises 20 Years of Success at FLETC-Artesia
10/24/08 Domenici: Progress on New U.S. Uranium Enrichment Plan Solidifies N.M. role in Nuke Energy Renaissance
10/23/08 Domenici Lauds Good News for Nuclear Energy in America--And Good News for U.S. Economy
10/22/08 Domenici Opens WIPP Research Facility
10/15/08 President Signs Domenici Bill to Help Mentally Ill Offenders, Law Enforcement
10/10/08 Domenici's Dream of ABQ Bosque Park Launched into Reality
10/09/08 Domenici on NNSA Complex Transformation Plans at Nuclear Weapons Labs
10/03/08 Domenici, Kennedy, Enzi & Dodd Praise House Passage of Mental Health Parity, Look Forward to Enactment
10/03/08 Domenici: N.M. Can Expect 20 Percent Increase in PILT Payments Under Economic Rescue Plan
10/02/08 Senate Approves Domenici's Bipartisan 2008 National Character Counts Week Resolution
10/02/08 Domenici Encourages Celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month
10/01/08 Domenici Votes for U.S. Economic Rescue Plan, Saying Now is Time to Act

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