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Gas Prices

   Date: 11/26/2008

Vermont had the fourth-most expensive gas in the country Tuesday, 23 cents more than the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded, according to an AAA price survey reported in The Burlington Free Press. In 36 states, the pump price for a gallon of regular was under $2.00, but in Vermont the average price on Tuesday was $2.12, according to AAA. On Wednesday the price was $2.10 a gallon, down by about a buck from a year ago but, for some reason, much higher than elsewhere. The only places with more expensive gas in the U.S. were Alaska, Hawaii, New York and Washington, D.C.  Just two months ago, Vermont had some of the cheapest gasoline in the country.  “My office is investigating this very issue,” Senator Bernie Sanders said. “I don’t want to see the people of Vermont being ripped off.”

To read the Free Press article, click here


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