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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
Press Releases View Full Archive
11/24/2008 -  DeMint Statement on Obama’s $700 Billion in New Spending
11/14/2008 -  DeMint: Don’t Discriminate Against Gun Owners
11/10/2008 -  DeMint to Promote Reform with Rules Changes
11/07/2008 -  DeMint Celebrates National Adoption Month
In The News View Full Archive
11/23/2008 -  Greenville News: DeMint Gives Greater Voice to Conservative Cause
11/19/2008 -  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: And Then There Were Two...
11/18/2008 -  Roll Call: Senators Poised to Postpone Stevens’ Ouster
11/17/2008 -  Human Events: DeMint Ignites GOP Cleanup
Op-Eds View Full Archive
11/10/2008 -  Republicans Must Fight for Freedom to Regain America's Trust
10/16/2008 -  Unions' un-American activities
09/18/2008 -  Dawn of Energy Independence?
09/08/2008 -  Let's Declare 'Energy Freedom' on Oct. 1
Speeches View Full Archive
12/17/2007 -  The Federal Unbundling Commission?
05/07/2007 -  Senator DeMint Remarks at Heritage Foundation President's Club Meeting
03/01/2007 -  CPAC: Conservative Vision to Secure America's Future
06/28/2006 -  Remembering Carolina Day
Audio / Video Files View Full Archive
07/21/2008 -  DeMint Chairs Hearing on Union Card Check
demint7_21_08.mp3 - | 5.4 MBs | Studio quality
07/14/2008 -  DeMint Calls on Congress to End Offshore Drilling Ban
demint7_14_08.mp3 - | 699.0 KBs | Phone quality
01/28/2008 -  Senator Jim DeMInt Statement on the State of the Union
demint_jan28.ram - | 2.2 MBs | quality
03/23/2007 -  Senators, Jon Kyl, Trent Lott, Jim DeMint, and Craig Thomas Press Conference on the Budget
gop_mar23.ram - | 14.4 MBs | quality
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