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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
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FOX: DeMint Introduces Drill Now Act
Posted by Jim's Staff 10/02/2008 - 11:29:10 AM

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DeMint Explains Opposition to Bailout
Posted by Jim's Staff 10/01/2008 - 01:08:31 PM
Sen. DeMint speaks on the Senate floor about why he opposes the bailout bill being pushed though Congress and who is really to blame for the financial fallout on Wall Street:

Text of Senator DeMint's remarks:

(Senate - October 01, 2008)

Mr. DeMINT. Mr. President, I have friends and colleagues whom I respect deeply who are on all sides of this bailout issue. One of them just spoke. We all to want do what is right for America, and I believe those who have crafted this plan had pure and noble motives. They want this country to succeed. They want prosperity. I just do not believe that this bill gets the job done. In fact, in the long term, I am convinced it will do more harm than good.

We are the Nation that has been called the bastion of freedom, and we are the Nation that has sacrificed blood and treasure to share that freedom with the world. We have fought communism, dictators, and tyranny. We have helped establish democracies and free-market economies across the globe. Because of America, millions of people are now electing their leaders, and millions have been taken out of poverty and enjoyed prosperity. Yet as the blood of our young men and women falls on foreign soil in the defense of freedom, our own Government appears to be leading our country into the pit of socialism....

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October 1: American Energy Freedom Day
Posted by Senator Jim DeMint 10/01/2008 - 09:47:42 AM
With all that is going on in Washington this week it can be hard to decipher the good from the bad. However, as Congress wraps up work it appears there is indeed a reason to celebrate: American Energy Freedom Day has finally arrived.

Thanks to pressure from the American people who are suffering at the pump, Democrats have reluctantly stepped aside and allowed the bans on oil shale and offshore drilling for oil and natural gas to expire. And the credit goes to you, the American people. Without the letters and phone calls to Capitol Hill and the urgent cries for energy freedom in townhall meetings throughout the country, this never would have happened. However, allowing the ban to expire is only the first step in enabling increased American energy production.
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FOX: DeMint Questions Constitutionality of Bailout
Posted by Jim's Staff 09/27/2008 - 01:27:03 PM

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BLOOMBERG: DeMint Says Government to Blame for Economic Crisis
Posted by Jim's Staff 09/26/2008 - 05:12:16 PM
During an interview with Bloomberg News, Sen. DeMInt says government is to blame for the current economic crisis, not free market principles:

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ABC: Current Bailout Plan Highly Unpopular
Posted by Jim's Staff 09/25/2008 - 06:18:22 PM
With the help of Sen. DeMint's front office staff and a face-to-face interview with the senator himself, ABC's Jake Tapper reports on the widespread opposition to the bailout around the country and on Capitol Hill:

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DeMint Questions Bernanke on Bailout
Posted by Jim's Staff 09/24/2008 - 06:28:04 PM
Sen. DeMint asks Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke about the current state of the economy and questions the wisdom of the $700-billion Wall Street bailout proposal during the Joint Economic Committee hearing:

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FOX: DeMint on Bailout: 'This is a Move Toward Socialism'
Posted by Jim's Staff 09/24/2008 - 02:13:37 PM
Sen. DeMint says he's opposed to the $700-billion Wall Street bailout because it's a step toward European socialism and "I'm just not ready to give up on freedom yet":

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BLOOMBERG: DeMint Doesn't Trust Government to Fix Economic Crisis
Posted by Jim's Staff 09/24/2008 - 01:51:12 PM
Sen. DeMint explains why further government intervention is not the answer to the economic crisis because government intervention is what caused the problem in the first place:.

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Victory: Democrats Won't Extend Energy Ban
Posted by Jim's Staff 09/24/2008 - 11:29:56 AM
Democrats have finally caved on drilling, at least enough to let the bans on offshore drilling and oil shale development to expire at the end of the month, which means that Oct. 1 will now for sure be American Energy Freedom Day.

In reaction to the news, Sen. DeMint said, "This is a major victory for Americans who are suffering at the pump, now that Democrats ridiculous opposition has run out of gas. Now its time to ensure drilling is expedited and prevent liberals from tying energy production up in endless litigation." Americans across the country agree. Today's editorial from National Review explains how it happened:
With the clock ticking down to what some are calling “Energy Freedom Day” — October 1, 2008, when the congressional bans on offshore oil drilling and onshore oil-shale development are set to expire — anti-drilling Democrats have backed down from a high-stakes stand-off that could have caused a government shutdown and will now result in the complete demise of the drilling bans. This is a stunning victory for grassroots activists over environmental special interests and business-as-usual in Washington. If not derailed, it also will be great news for all American consumers.
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11/17 WSJ Video: 'Lazy Lame Ducks?'
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