News List

  • Pro-Growth Policies, Not Big Government Spending & Mandates, Will Spur Our Economy
    Nov 21, 2008  - As we enter the holiday season, there are countless families anxiously looking over their finances and wondering how they’ll pull through.  In Ohio, the Department of Jobs and Family Services announced that the unemployment rate in October went up to 7.4 percent.  This marks the first time since the... More
  • Let’s Work Together to Make America Energy Independent
    Nov 12, 2008  - I spoke to President-elect Obama on the phone briefly last week.  We had a good conversation.  I congratulated him on his historic election as our nation’s 44th President, and expressed my sincere hope that Democrats and Republicans will find ways to work together in the years ahead to ado... More
  • Beware of More Government Spending Hiding in “Economic Stimulus” Clothing
    Oct 17, 2008  - It’s bad enough that Congress had to pass a $700 billion economic rescue bill to clean up the mess that originated with Democrats’ coddling of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  But it turns out that Democratic leaders were just getting started on emptying your wallets for more big government spendin... More
  • Americans Deserve Answers on Origins of Economic Crisis
    Oct 6, 2008  - There have been a lot of questions about the economic rescue package that was signed into law recently, and rightly so.     The enactment of this flawed but necessary bill is not a cause for celebration.  Rather, it is cause for anger.  The bill was necessary because Wash... More
  • With Drilling Bans Lifted, House GOP Leaders Ask Interior Department to Identify Potential Roadblocks to Fast Action
    Oct 2, 2008  - With the federal government’s misguided ban on offshore and oil shale energy production now lifted, House Republican leaders today sent a letter to Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne asking that the Interior Department identify any actions that need to be taken by Congress to ensure the newly-libera... More
  • House Republicans Score Victory for the American People After Democrats Capitulate on Offshore, Oil Shale Energy Production Bans
    Sep 24, 2008  - Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement this evening after the Associated Press reported House Democrats would give in to the demands of House Republicans and the American people by lifting the lift bans on offshore and oil shale energy production in their continuing... More
  • Boehner Statement on House Democratic Plans to Block Jobs-Creating Offshore, Oil Shale Energy Production
    Sep 22, 2008  - Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement today after House Democrats released a “discussion draft” of continuing resolution appropriations legislation that included fatally-flawed offshore drilling and oil shale provisions included in last week’s “no energy” bill: ... More
  • Boehner Statement on Historic Rise in Crude Oil Prices
    Sep 22, 2008  - Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement today after crude oil prices rose by their highest one-day jump in history before ending the day at $120.92: “Today’s historic price spike is a sharp reminder that the current discussion on Capitol Hill over Secretary Paulso... More
  • Another “No-Energy Energy” Bill Forced Through Congress That Still Won’t Let Us Drill Here Now
    Sep 19, 2008  - “We’re not trying to give incentives to drill …” (Washington Post, 9/17/08) That’s what U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told reporters just before voting on the energy bill that she claimed would help solve our energy crisis.  Given the overwhelming cry from the American people to dri... More
  • A Time for Bold Reform, Not Half-Baked Ideas Meant to Provide Political Cover
    Sep 15, 2008  - Our nation’s economy is facing serious challenges that require the attention of elected officials, and the most grave of these challenges is the high cost of gas brought about by our country’s dangerous dependence on foreign oil.  Sky-high energy costs are squeezing family budgets and destroyin... More

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