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This suggests there were warnings #mumbai
@raines count me in - I am nearby but not in Berkeley - el sobrante L:94803
@om re kyte i hate it when you hide your feelings ;-)
discovered rescuetime ( and loving it - am I the last one to find this cool site / app / service.
@jowyang if capitalism means building crap no one wants or creating algorithms that devastate economies then yes - it's the end of that
RT @ppatel India calling brain circulation instead of brain drain.
@Veronica since you're in a plane, it's really 916 up 225 down right ;-) ?
Did they say "Don't be evil" and then do this?
@fredwilson @johnbattelle AOL, MSN, Yahoo!, Facebook, are all Compuserve on HTML with a lower sig/noise ratio. The more things change .. nothing about Yahoo Glue on Yahoo Glue so far (11/20/08) sorry missing URL last time
Still no Yahoo Glue page about Yahoo Glue (11/20/08)
@ricksanchezcnn the private jet stuff just brought the crassness+feeling-of-entitlement of that demographic into the open. Was always there.
@MaryHodder BTW that should also happen (exec + boards fired) to any bank that took/takes bailout. bailout= exec failure Why shud they stay?
@MaryHodder having the company fold = economy suffer for exec stupidity = not wise. execs + boards should be fired as condn of bailout
@gwachob I came from part of the zed world(India) teaching math as a grad student - I actually winced when I first pronounced it 'zee'
@davewiner re: Detroit post why do you think auto execs should get to keep their jobs. Bailout shd=automatic temp receivership + execs fired
@bJamesInk yeah and I loved how quickly I could mockup something although I am good at drawing this was faster and better. WIN!
running Twitter in Mozilla Prism - that's my own special Twitter Client so there !


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Livia Kevin S. Naina Redhu danah boyd Mary Hodder Ross om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Rob Hayes Thomas Vander Wal Hiten Shah Jackson West Dave Winer Christine Herron Glenda Carlos Granier Brian Del Vecchio Dan Cederholm Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag Edward Vielmetti
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