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for puzzled followers, #idlo Dar = IDLO Microfinance ( workshop w 25 regional experts, held in Dar es Salaam
@valdiskrebs looks like Stella's group has just finished a site, will tell me URL tomorrow. Normal PC access
@panklam give him a squeeze for me, willya?
tired, stomach a little queasy, but gr8 day at #idlo Dar. light dinner and early to bed
#idlo Dar: in Nigeria, when husband dies, wife is suspected immediately. has to drink water corpse washed with to prove innocence
at #idlo, Stella Odife of the Women’s Organization for Gender Issues now talking. wow. they have no website. anyone want to help?
created 7 blogs for #idlo participants (yay!). yahoo, sooo hard to switch accounts, and so much trash on screen. no wonder you #FAIL
#idlo Dar some women so poor they have no concept what to do with teensy unused portion of a microloan. very moving and difficult stories
@kiruba sending healing thoughts to you and your daughter
@nikolaj try again. I just went to the blog and the post, and both worked. here's the post URL again:
posed Q to #idlo Dar group: What's the best thing Obama could do for Africa? First (great) reply:
@salimismail yaaaay! congrats on your engagement!!
#idlo Dar, fascinating debate about whether was ever a microfinance institution. controversial to Kenyans
my apologies for the triple tweet. sipping the Tubes thru a straw here, and Twitterfox said the first ones failed <flagellating>
@jackvinson I'd love to publish my current Brain (Dec06 data visible from, but have too many thoughts. waiting for fix
#idlo Dar group reports not much activity in Eastern Africa with local or alternative currencies (which are often stimulated by crises)
@ludicastri also live tweeting from #idlo Dar
at #idlo in Dar, general joking about the Big Three automakers' woes and the implications for the US economy
#idlo plus curency fluctuations as foreign investors withdrew their funds; also remittances from diaspora likely to drop
Q at #idlo, local effects of subprime crisis? stock markets hit hard (Nigeria, Kenya, other), traders suffering but otherwise biz as usual