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En route to Connecticut
Really starting to suspect that Time Warner is rate limiting me ...
Holy crap, getting 27 down on my new Time Warner connection. Mmmm. Delicious.
From the time warner center to waiting for a time warner repairman.
<rant>I hate my Macbook Air. It's a crap computer that Apple spent more time making pretty than making work.</rant>
Everyone in midtown wears Nike Shox
Has anyone seen this Google SearchWiki thing before?
Awesome. No internet until monday. 3G card it is.
Waiting for Time Warner to answer the damn phone.
Following a guy pushing 2 mattresses down Bowery.
Not sure how I feel like these new Google color schemes. Even the "Classic" seems to make the Ads stand out more than the emails.
Time Warner just called me back. Last night I gave up waiting and they called me back ... The world is more screwy than I thought.
Monty Python now has an official YouTube channel:
Mental note: When asking taxpayers for billions try not to flaunt your penchant for excess
Stuff like this makes me love the internet so much: (thanks @charlesgallant)
I wish everything on my computer had that little feature in Apple Mail that lets you mouse over a phone number or date and add it.
I'm done reading about research from a company who is in the business of selling you stuff supported by that research. (At least for today.)
Punch out for Wii. Amazing.
< 50 unread emails.
Dear Time Warner, why does my internet connection suck?