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  2008 Press Releases

11/21/08 - Conyers and Sánchez Announce Plan to Protect Homeowners from Foreclosure

10/31/08 - Conyers, Conyers Applauds Settlement for Victims of Libyan Sponsored Terrorist Attacks

10/30/08 - Judiciary Committee Calls for DOJ Response to Voter Intimidation in Virginia

10/29/08 - Conyers, Kucinich Express Alarm Regarding the Use of Funds from the $700 Billion Rescue Package

10/29/08 - Conyers, Sutton Seek Answers on the Use of Funds from the $700 Billion Rescue Package

10/28/08 - Conyers, Brady, Nadler, Lofgren Write to Secretaries of States Regarding Voting Issues

10/28/08 - Conyers, Scott, Sánchez Demand Answers from DoJ and FBI Regarding Mortgage Fraud Investigation

10/22/08 - Conyers Rejects "Incomplete and Entirely Unsatisfactory" DOJ Letter on Oil Lease Scandal

10/20/08 - Conyers, Nadler, Sánchez Demand Immediate Action on Violence Against Election Workers and Other Voter Intimidation

10/17/08 - ADVISORY: House Judiciary Committee Briefing on the Mortgage Crisis and Its Impact on the Economy

10/15/08 - House Judiciary Committee Announces Retention of Alan Baron to Lead Inquiry into Possible Impeachment of Judge Porteous

10/06/08 - Conyers, Scott, Sánchez Question Attorney General on Prosecutor Independence

10/03/08 - Conyers, Judiciary Democrats Call for Delay in Implementation of New Domestic FBI Guidelines

09/29/08 - Conyers, Sanchez Call for Special Counsel on U.S. Attorney Report
Judiciary Committee Hearing Scheduled for Friday

09/23/08 - Conyers and Lofgren Laud Attorney General’s Decision to Overturn Flawed Board of Immigration Appeals Ruling on Female Genital Mutilation Ruling

09/23/08 - Conyers Demands Answers on DOJ’s Failure to Act on Corruption in Federal Oil, Gas and Mining Contracts

09/19/08 - Conyers calls on McCain to Immediately Halt Republican Vote Suppression Efforts
DOJ urged to Investigate as Committee Hearing Scheduled

09/16/08 - Conyers Attends Court of Appeals Hearing on White House Request to Delay Miers Testimony

09/16/08 - Senior House Democrats Slam Barbour’s Efforts to Violate Voting Rights Act and Mississippi Voting Law

09/16/08 - Conyers and Smith Announce Vote on Task Force for Judge Porteous Impeachment Inquiry

09/10/08 - Conyers Agrees to Defer Mukasey Contempt Resolution

09/05/08 - Judiciary Committee Seeks Answers from FBI in Advance of September 16 Hearing

09/02/08 - Conyers Shocked by OIG Report on Gonzales' Violation of Security Rules

08/27/08 - Conyers Sets Deadline For Production of US Attorney Documents

08/26/08 - Conyers Praises Court Order Denying Stay of Subpoena Ruling

08/20/08 - Conyers Releases Letters Initiating Investigation into Alleged Iraq Intelligence Forgeries

08/18/08 - Conyers, Lofgren: Continued Immigration Detainee Medical Abuses are "Unacceptable"

08/14/08 - Judiciary Committee Opposes Administration Motion to Stay Court Ruling in Miers/Bolten Case

08/11/08 - Conyers Announces Review of Allegations of Bush Administration’s Forged Iraq Intelligence

08/08/08 - Conyers Welcomes Negotiations on White House Subpoenas

08/08/08 - House Judiciary Committee Plans Hearings on Competition in Air Shipping Industry

08/08/07 - Conyers Demands RNC Documents after Judge's Ruling in Subpoena Case

08/08/01 - Conyers Seeks Compliance with Judge's Ruling on White House Subpoenas

07/31/08 - Conyers Hails Landmark Ruling on White House Subpoena

07/30/08 - Judiciary Committee Approves Karl Rove Contempt of Congress Resolution

07/28/08 - Conyers, Sánchez Consider Criminal Referral Concerning DoJ Politicization Report

07/23/08 - Conyers, Lofgren, Gutierrez Press Availability on Postville Raids

07/22/08 - Conyers, House Judiciary Committee to Question Attorney General

07/18/08 - Conyers to Investigate Allegations of OSC Whistleblower

07/17/2008 - Conyers Announces Hearing on Bush Imperial Presidency

07/16/08 - Conyers and Cannon Applaud Judiciary Passage of H.R. 5546, the Credit Card Fair Fee Act of 2008

07/11/2008 - Conyers and Lofgren Demand Homeland Security Issue Rule for Crime Victims

07/10/08 - Conyers, Nadler, Delahunt Demand Special Counsel in Rendition Case

07/10/2008 - Conyers, Nadler, Delahunt Demand Special Counsel in Rendition Case

07/03/2008 - Conyers: DOJ Again Putting Politics Over Justice

06/27/2008 - Conyers Issues Subpoena to DOJ for Valerie Plame Documents

06/26/08 - Conyers, Nadler, Watt Demand Transparency from DOJ

06/26/2008 - Conyers, Sánchez Condemn Assembly-Line Justice in U.S. Attorney Offices Across the Country

06/24/2008 - Conyers: DOJ Again Putting Politics Over Justice

06/20/2008 - Conyers Opposes FISA Compromise Bill

06/19/2008 - House Judiciary Committee to Review Judicial Impeachment Referral

06/19/2008 - Conyers, Rogers Lead Bipartisan Effort to Reject Unprecedented Expansion of Off-Reservation Indian Gambling

06/18/2008 - Conyers and Sánchez Demand More Justice Department Documents, May Issue Subpoena

06/16/2008 - Conyers and Sánchez: Rove Must Appear

06/12/2008 - Conyers Applauds Supreme Court Decision Upholding Habeas Corpus Rights at Guantanamo

06/09/2008 - Conyers Invites McClellan to Testify June 20th

05/30/2008 - Conyers: McClellan Revelations Troubling, Require Further Scrutiny

05/29/2008 - House Judiciary Committee Files Brief in Civil Lawsuit Against Miers and Bolten

05/23/2008 - Conyers Calls on Department of Homeland Security to Uphold Basic Human Rights and Constitutional Protections

05/22/2008 - Lawmakers Seek More Details on Deferred Prosecutions

05/22/2008 - Conyers Comments on FISA Negotiations

05/22/2008 - Conyers Subpoenas Karl Rove

05/20/2008 - Crime Subcommitte to Hold Hearing on FBI Whistleblowers

05/20/2008 - Conyers Introduces Bill to Increase Legal Support for Domestic Violence Victims

05/20/2008 - Conyers Seeks More Answers at Upcoming Hearings on Administration Interrogation Abuses

05/19/2008 - House Judiciary Antitrust Panel to Hear from Oil Industry Executives in Series on Rising Gas Prices

05/15/2008 - Conyers, Lofgren Demand Answers on Immigration Detainee Medical Abuses

05/14/2008 - Conyers to Receive 2008 LCCR Hubert Humphrey Award

05/14/2008 - Conyers to Rove: Testimony is Necessary

05/09/2008 - Conyers, Meeks, Nadler, Scott to Hold Community Forum on Law Enforcement Accountability: Police-Community Relations in the Wake of the Bell Verdicts

05/08/2008 - Conyers and Lofgren Introduce Net Neutrality Legislation to Protect the Internet from Anticompetitive Practices

05/08/2008 - House Passes Bill to Protect American Innovation

05/07/2008 - Conyers Issues Subpoena to Addington

05/07/2008 - Judiciary Members Oppose Becker Confirmation

05/06/2008 - Committee Examines Administration Torture Policies, Many Questions Left Unanswered

05/05/2008 - House Judiciary Antitrust Panel to Examine Consumer Effects of Rising Gas Prices

05/01/2008 - House Judiciary Committee Members Warn Rove of Subpoena

04/30/08 - House Judiciary Committee Investigates Rising Gas Prices for Americans and Rising Profits for Oil Companies

04/29/2008 - Conyers And Nadler Ask for Justice Department Secret Opinions

04/28/2008 - Conyers Threatens Subpoenas on Torture and Interrogation Memos

04/24/2008 - Antitrust Panel to Examine Delta/NWA Merger

04/23/2008 - Conyers Shocked by Mueller Testimony on Torture

04/22/2008 - Conyers, House Judiciary to Question FBI Director Mueller

04/17/2008 - Conyers Demands Karl Rove Testimony

04/16/2008 - House Judiciary to Hold Series of Immigration Hearings

04/15/2008 - Antitrust Panel to Examine Delta/NWA Merger

04/15/2008 - Conyers Wants FBI Documents on Angola 3

04/14/2008 - Conyers, Nadler, Scott Demand Answers, Not Spin from AG

04/11/2008-Judiciary Committee to Explore Administration Approval of Torture Techniques

04/10/2008-House General Counsel Files Contempt Brief

04/10/2008-Conyers and Smith: Yahoo! Talks Call for More Study of Internet Competition and Advertising

04/09/2008-Congressional Report Identifies Serious Health Concerns Not Addressed by NFL and Players Union

04/08/2008-Conyers to Examine New Torture Memo, Executive Power at May Hearing

04/04/2008 - Conyers and Lofgren Urge Chertoff to Clarify Security Exemptions for Non-Citizens

04/03/2008 - Conyers, Judiciary Members Demand Answers from Attorney General on 9/11 Surveillance

04/01/2008 - House Commemorates the 40th Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Assassination

04/01/2008 - Conyers: Settle 9/11 Health Claims Now

03/25/2008 - Conyers: Justice Merger Decision Not Surprising

03/21/2008 - Conyers Visits Inmates at Louisiana State Prison

03/14/2008 - Conyers Floor Remarks on FISA Amendments Act of 2008

03/13/2008 - Conyers: Republicans Must Meet High Bar to Call for Secret Session

03/13/2008 - Conyers: IG Report Shows Abuse of Power

03/12/2008 - Judiciary Committee Members: Administration Has Not Made the Case for Telecom Immunity

03/11/2008 - Conyers, Reyes: Scare Tactics Don't Protect America

03/10/2008 - House Judiciary Committee Files Suit Against Administration to Enforce Subpoenas

03/06/2008 - Conyers Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Allow Merchants to Negotiate Credit Card Fees

03/04/2008 - Judiciary Committee to Hold Homeland Security Oversight Hearing

02/29/2008 - Conyers Outraged at Justice Department Contempt Decision: Vows to Enforce Subpoenas

02/28/2008 - Conyers Urges U.S. Attorney to Present Contempt Citations to a Grand Jury

02/22/2008 - House and Senate Committee Chairs Continue to Work on FISA, Administration and Congressional Republicans Refuse to Join

02/21/2008 - House and Senate Chairmen Continue Work on FISA Reform

02/14/2008 - Conyers: I'm Staying Here to Work on FISA

02/14/2008 - Conyers' Statement in Support of Contempt

02/14/2008 - Backgrounder on Contempt - UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION: Bush Administration Not Above the Law

02/14/2008 - Post-Contempt Vote Press Conference Media Advisory

02/13/2008 - Conyers Testifies Before Rules Committee on Contempt Resolutions

02/13/2008 - Conyers: Temporary FISA Bill Must Be Extended

02/12/2008 - Conyers: Secret Documents Don’t Justify Senate Telecom Amnesty

02/03/2008 - Conyers Criticizes Bush Budget as Short-Changing Law Enforcement

02/01/2008 - Judiciary Committee Chairman Conyers and Ranking Member Smith Announce Hearing on the State of Competition on the Internet Hearing to Include Discussion of Proposed Microsoft-Yahoo Merger

01/31/2008 - Conyers Wants Answers at February Hearing, Not Hedging

01/30/2008 - Conyers and Sánchez Demand Ashcroft Testimony About $52 Million No-bid Contract

01/29/2008 - Conyers, Nadler Ask Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell to Testify on Voter Suppression

01/28/2008 - Conyers: Bush’s Last State of the Union Address

01/24/2008 - Conyers Responds to WH Granting Committee Access to Wiretapping Documents

01/23/2008 - Conyers, Scott, and Poe Demand Action from Justice, Defense Departments on KBR Rape Issue

01/17/2008 - Conyers Introduces Bill to Fight Voter Caging

01/16/2008 - Leahy, Conyers Ask For GAO Inquiry Into Awarding Of No-Bid Contracts By Justice Department

01/15/2008 - Conyers Criticizes Stoneridge Decision

01/02/2008 - Conyers Demands that DOJ Appoint Real Special Counsel


