U.S. Senator Jim Bunning
United States Senator, Kentucky
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Bunning Announces $97,000 Grant For The Bluegrass, Blues & BBQ Byways

Washington, DC
Thursday, November 20, 2008

U.S. Senator Jim Bunning today announced the Department of Transportation (DOT) has released a discretionary grant in the total amount of $97,000 for the Bluegrass, Blues & BBQ Byways.

"I am pleased to announce these transportation funds for the people of Western Kentucky," said Bunning. "The people of Western Kentucky have a great history. These funds will help with tourism, and be a great interactive tool to promote Western Kentucky and its rich heritage."

The project will provide interpretive information to the byway traveler through visual and audio media enabling the traveler to experience the wealth of three scenic byways via a DVD, interpretive kiosks, and the Internet along distinctly unique themes. The traveler will be guided through different experiences depending on the theme they chose to follow. Local artists will provide historical interpretation through music to compliment special points of interests selected along the trail. There will be at least two songs or narrations developed for each of the nine counties.

An interactive website shall be developed to include additional information, printable maps, and a virtual driving-tour experience of the route. Furthering a traveler's appreciation of significant historical; cultural; recreational; archaeological; scenic; and natural intrinsic qualities within the nine counties along three interconnecting state scenic byways. Potential themed trails to be considered include, but not limited to coal; military; music; and BBQ trails. The media format will be real-time pod-cast, DVDs, and/or CDs for playback in the traveler's vehicle and the virtual website. These medias will include detailed maps; music; narration; and photo galleries developed for specific segments on each of the themed trails. All material will be available at strategic locations along the corridor as well as downloaded.

November 2008 News Releases

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