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Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Description

Photographs and HTML versions of the table of contents, indexes, and the list of Presidential Documents Published in the Federal Register, with links to the page numbers cited, are available by selecting any of the following from the page:

Table of Contents

The table of contents is part of the preliminary pages of a volume of the Public Papers. It presents the sections in that volume, including the foreword, preface, list of cabinet members, appendices, indices, and document categories list. The main body of the volume is designated simply "Public Papers" (e.g., "Public Papers of William J. Clinton") in the table of contents; documents in this section are arranged chronologically by date.

Links to PDF files in the Public Papers are included in the HTML file for the table of contents. Please note that the PDF files retrieved from links on the HTML table of contents page consist of only the first page in a given section; therefore, the navigational tools "previous page," "next page," and "go to page" are needed to view each subsequent page or to return to an earlier page. For example, if you click on the link for appendix A, which begins on page 853, you will retrieve a PDF file of page 853 only. To view the remainder of the pages in that appendix in order, as if you were reading straight through, you would have to use the "next page" or "go to page" function to retrieve separate files for pages 854, 855, and so on. (In contrast, PDF files retrieved from a search contain all of the pages in a given document, making this type of navigation unnecessary.)

Retrieve the table of contents as an HTML file by clicking on the appropriate link in the table of sections. You may also retrieve the table of contents by performing a full-text search for the word "contents" and opening the file entitled "Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States."

Photographic Portfolio

The photographic portfolio contains photographs of the President at various events throughout the year. Captions that describe the action and supply the date of each event accompany the photographs. However, please note that the text of these captions has not been indexed in the database that is accessed for a full-text search.

Retrieve the photographic portfolio by clicking on the appropriate link in the table of sections.

Presidential Documents Published in the Federal Register

A list of Presidential documents published in the Federal Register, such as proclamations and executive orders, comprises one appendix to the Public Papers. The listing for each document consists of a subject; effective date; Federal Register page number; and proclamation, executive order, or document number, when applicable. Links to PDF files in the Federal Register are included in the HTML file for this appendix. Please note that these PDF files consist of only the first page of the selected document; therefore, the navigational tools "previous page," "next page," and "go to page" are needed to view each subsequent page or to return to an earlier page.

Retrieve the list of Presidential documents published in the Federal Register by performing a full-text search for the phrase "presidential documents", enclosing the phrase within quotation marks. You may also retrieve this appendix as an HTML file by clicking on the appropriate link in the table of sections.


The information contained in the Public Papers is indexed in two ways: by subject and by name. The subject and name indices are mutually exclusive; that is, names are not listed in the subject index, and subjects are not listed in the name index. The index entry for each subject consists of a word or phrase that identifies the subject and one or more Public Papers page numbers. The index entry for each person consists of his or her name and one or more Public Papers page numbers. Links to PDF files in the Public Papers are included in the HTML files for these indices. Please note that these PDF files consist of only the first page of the selected document; therefore, the navigational tools "previous page," "next page," and "go to page" are needed to view each subsequent page or to return to an earlier page.

Retrieve the indices by performing a full-text search for the phrase "subject index" or "name index", enclosing the phrase within quotation marks. You may also retrieve the indices as HTML files by clicking on the appropriate links in the table of sections.

Document Categories List

The document categories list lists, by document type, the titles of all of the documents that are printed in full in a given volume of the Public Papers. The listing for each document consists of a title and a Public Papers page number. Links to PDF files in the Public Papers are included in the HTML file for the document categories list. Please note that these PDF files consist of only the first page of the selected document; therefore, the navigational tools "previous page," "next page," and "go to page" are needed to view each subsequent page or to return to an earlier page.

Common document categories are listed below:

  • Addresses to the Nation
  • Addresses and remarks
  • Appointments and nominations
  • Bill signings
  • Bill vetoes
  • Communications to Congress
  • Communications to Federal agencies
  • Executive orders
  • Interviews with the news media
  • Joint statements
  • Letters and messages
  • Meetings with foreign leaders and international officials
  • Proclamations
  • Resignations and retirements
  • Statements by the President

Retrieve the document categories list by performing a full-text search for the phrase "document categories", enclosing the phrase within quotation marks. You may also retrieve the list as an HTML file by clicking on the appropriate link in the table of sections.