Chris Dodd's blog

6/09/06: Thoughts on the Estate Tax Repeal

Submitted by Chris Dodd on June 9, 2006 - 11:02am.
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Hi, this is Senator Chris Dodd again, and I want to welcome you to my Podcast. It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to talk you with you and we’ve been busy here, obviously, with some issues that have been terribly important, and some that have been hardly important at all, but more the subject of Senate debate to score political points, rather than actually do anything for the country.
( published in: Taxes | The Economy | Podcasts )

4/19/06: Listening and Learning in the Middle East

Submitted by Chris Dodd on April 19, 2006 - 5:23pm.

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Hi, I’m heading out to the airport here, just coming out of Jerusalem on the way to Tel Aviv, flying to Cairo, meeting with the foreign minister over there, and some folks from think tanks here, some of the opposition in Egypt, to get a good feel for how Egypt looks at the region and at some of their own internal issues.

3/13/06: Thoughts on the Dubai Ports World Controversy

Submitted by Chris Dodd on March 13, 2006 - 6:49pm.

Download the podcast here:

Read the legislation mentioned in the podcast (The U.S. National Security Protection Act of 2006) here:

2/10/06: Attending the Memorial Service of Coretta Scott King

Submitted by Chris Dodd on February 10, 2006 - 10:33am.

I’m so glad that I went to Coretta Scott King’s funeral. I admire, as most Americans do, the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, but I also really admire Coretta Scott King. It’s hard for people to remember this, but Dr. King died before he reached the age of 40, and for the last 38 years, Mrs. King has carried on the work of her husband. Her husband’s civil rights work lasted for about fifteen years, and his most important work occurred in the last few years of his life. Mrs. King sustained that work for almost four decades after her husband’s death, and did it with such grace, such style, and such dignity. That was the reason there was such an outpouring of people from across the United States, representing almost every walk of life, at the church service outside of Atlanta.

2/07/06: Maintaining Our Edge in the Global Economy

Submitted by Chris Dodd on February 7, 2006 - 5:44am.

Download the podcast here:

This past fall, the National Academy of Sciences, a very prestigious organization nationally, released a report entitled “Rising Above the Gathering Storm.” This report examined America’s competitiveness in the global economy specifically as it relates to math and science education in our country.

( published in: Education | Podcasts )

2/07/06: Podcast en Español: Acerca de la Educación

Submitted by Chris Dodd on February 7, 2006 - 4:33am.

Download the podcast here:

( published in: Podcast en Español )

2/01/06: Thoughts about Connecticut's Transportation Systems

Submitted by Chris Dodd on February 1, 2006 - 7:50am.

Download the podcast here:

( published in: Transportation | Podcasts )

12/05/05: The U.S. Fiscal Situation

Submitted by Chris Dodd on December 5, 2005 - 11:48am.

Download the podcast here: .

( published in: Podcasts )

12/01/05: Podcast en Espanol: Pensamientos Sobre Nuestro Presupuesto

Submitted by Chris Dodd on December 1, 2005 - 11:46am.

Download the podcast here:

11/11/05: Podcast en Espanol: Dia del Veterano Podcast

Submitted by Chris Dodd on November 11, 2005 - 3:46pm.

Download the podcast here:

( published in: Podcast en Español | Veterans )

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