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@whimsikay Hmmm, a pecan pie! He might go for that. Although I'm liking the candles in the mashed potatoes idea best at the moment :D
@_mik I'd love to do that, actually. We should set something up - will teach for food day or somesuch. I miss you oodles xoxoM
@jwd2a I misread your last tweet as "at the liquor store getting loaded for the weekend"
@wabbitoid I've been careless and let too much spill out.
@frogtosser I'm struggling with the same issue. It's MIchael's birthday tomorrow and he's not big into cake. Candles in the mashed taters?
@_mik thinking in classes is common for programmers who come to the web. They just have to relearn. Send him to one of my classes :D
@_mik Because a paragraph is a paragraph and an unordered list is unordered list. Neither is a division per se. That's semantics, sweetie.
what's so especially funny is that the baby looks exactly like my friend, who looks a little too much like Bill Gates for comfort. LOL!
hahaha, an email from a friend who works on building stuff for NASA etc. Subject line "Look what I made" with a picture of baby #1!
Well, it *looked* like a dark and stormy morning at 6:30. It's now sunny with scattered t-storms, so not so much dark and not so much storm.
it was a dark and stormy morning . . .
Michael's doing fillet of beef wrapped in bacon and grilled, And they said the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Wrong.
kitteh is doing her Allman Brothers impression "Tied to the scratching post . . ."
@NickLongo I think you're correct but despite my outrageous external persona I'm actually very shy about self-promotion. VerifiableMollyFact
Finally, affordable Web training. Let me hear from you!
@moodleman and it really IS your moodle! Twitter can get spooky sometimes.
looking for opinions, no specific questions.
anyone here ever work with moodle?
@Fifikins That was not the breakfast I really wanted to wake up to today...


Biz Stone Dunstan Tom veen Lori Scott Fegette Mack D. Male Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver Arun Ranganathan Jason Calacanis George Kelly lane Glenda Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Kingsley Joseph Sooz Stephane Deschamps Lisa McMillan Cal Henderson Steve Ganz David Orchard Alex Hillman l.m. orchard craig zheng Mike Rundle Lachlan Hardy Keith Kitta Michael Newby Elliott Pesut Kevin Cheng
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