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Does it feel like Friday to you, too?
Comeuppance according to The Shield: Cubicle hell. Perfect
Drinking doesn't fix it, but it helps.
News from Ingram: Fray's Geek issue should be in Barnes & Nobles nationwide by December 1st. Woot!
According to DHL, the shipment of Fray issue 2s is in Fresno. C'mon, babies! Get yours now:
First ticket on the new car. Feels like its been deflowered somehow.
@hotdogsladies That would make an excellent @kvetch
Complaining about Kvetch on Kvetch is not as clever as it might seem at first.
Kvetch zooms to 1000 followers and 300 kvetches in just two days. @tobyjoe also tweaked it for more randomness. Yay!
@lonelysandwich That would make an excellent @kvetch
Smallerfield? Tonight Smallville apes Cloverfield. Did they outsource all their writing jobs to high school students or something?
Ethics in online advertising? It'll never happen if we don't demand it.
I'm kind of stunned how awful the Gmail themes are.
I'm really enjoying launching a little site that people seem to like. Go go go little!
@amsoell Anonymity is the point.
@veen I was just having the same revelation. It was like remembering a dream. Geek deja vu.
@amsoell To post to First follow kvetch, then send kvetch a direct message. @replies don't work.
Hey designers: I'm looking for URLs of stories about when it's good to remove options from a web interface. Actual case studies. Anyone?


Biz Stone Evan Williams kellan Dunstan Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell veen Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski danah boyd Eric Costello BenJ Caroline vOdB tedr peterme Brian Oberkirch George janice fraser Erika Hall bryan mason Jackson West George Kelly lane Glenda evany Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm heather romanlily george Josh Bryant Sooz Adam Rakunas Stewart Butterfield Caterina Courtney P
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