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GPO-FDLP-L Archives – February 2007

  1. 100 Years in the FDLP

  2. 20th Annual Interagency Depository Seminar for 2007

  3. Budget of the U.S. Government, FY08

  4. Distribution of Raincheck Copies of Health, United States, 2005

  5. DLC Spring Meeting: Program Proposal Form

  6. Economic Report of the President, 2007

  7. Fall DLC Conference

  8. GPO Cataloging Policy Changes

  9. GPO Jan. - Feb. 15, 2007 issue of Administrative Notes now availa ble

  10. January Metrics for FDLP and C&I

  11. New Electronic Titles - January 2007

  12. New FDLP Desktop page features Web Harvesting Pilot Project White Paper

  13. No-Fee Access to NTIS Electronic Content Through the Federal Depo sitory Library Program

  14. No-Fee Access to NTIS Online Reports Through the FDLP

  15. SPRING 2007 DLC MEETING UPDATE: 2/23/2007

  16. Spring DLC Meeting Preliminary Schedule

  17. Statutes at Large, Volume 118, now available on GPO Access

  18. Superintendent of Documents Transition

  19. Update on Browse Topics Redesign

  20. Z39.50 Testing Schedule Update
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