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Iraq Reconstruction

Rep. Waxman and other members of Congress have been seeking information on contracts entered into by the Administration for reconstruction and development work in Iraq, including several billion dollar contracts with a subsidiary of Halliburton Corporation. Many questions have been raised about the Iraq contracting process, including questions on the seemingly inflated prices charged by Halliburton to import gasoline from Kuwait into Iraq and Halliburton's admission of kickbacks to company officials. (Last Updated Dec. 9, 2004)

Latest News

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Committee Holds Hearing on Iraq Reconstruction Overview

On Thursday, February 15, the three top auditors overseeing work in Iraq provided new information about the status of Iraq reconstruction projects and troop support contracts. The hearing examined whether the findings of these auditors should affect Congress’ assessment of the President’s new request for additional taxpayer dollars.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Committee Insists on Timely Production of CPA and Contractor Documents

Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis today sent letters to DOD and a contractor urging them to comply voluntarily with the Committee’s request for documents regarding CPA hiring practices and the use of private security contractors.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Committee Saves Taxpayers $20 Million

As the result of an investigation by Chairman Waxman, the Army discovered significant violations involving the use of private security services. At one of the Committee’s first fraud, waste, and abuse hearings this Congress, the Army announced today that it was reducing payments to KBR by $19.6 million.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Iraqi Reconstruction: Reliance on Private Military Contractors

Family members of four Blackwater employees killed in Fallujah testified about what they view as profiteering by Blackwater USA, including the company’s alleged failure to provide armored vehicles and other critical safety equipment. The Committee examined the costs of Blackwater’s security operations to the taxpayer and the adequacy of federal oversight of Blackwater and other security contractors.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hearing Questions Waste, Fraud, and Abuse In Iraq Reconstruction

Ambassador L. Paul Bremer and Stuart Bowen, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, testified on management of U.S. funds in Iraq. Questions were raised about an audit report issued in 2005 by Mr. Bowen that concluded that more than $8.8 billion in cash was disbursed without adequate financial controls.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Committee Requests Documents for Hearing on Private Security Contractors in Iraq

Chairman Waxman requests documents related to the use of private security contractors in Iraq.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Chairman Waxman Invites Witnesses for Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Hearing

Rep. Waxman has requested the testimony of L. Paul Bremer, Stuart Bowen, and Timothy Carney at an Oversight Committee hearing on waste, fraud, and abuse, which will focus on Iraq reconstruction. The hearing will be held the week of February 6th.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Chairman Waxman Questions the President's New Iraq Contracting Strategy

As part of President Bush's revised strategy for Iraq, he appears likely to propose giving large sums of U.S. taxpayer dollars to decrepit and possibly corrupt state-owned Iraqi companies. In a letter to his colleagues, Chairman Waxman proposes that Congress answer several key questions regarding the President's new spending proposal.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

New Documents Reveal Unauthorized Halliburton Security Subcontracts in Iraq

Contrary to the testimony of top Pentagon officials, new documents obtained by Reps. Waxman and Van Hollen disclose that Halliburton subcontractors in Iraq had security subcontracts with Blackwater that Army officials say were prohibited under Halliburton's contract.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Rep. Waxman Statement on Iraq Reconstruction Efforts

At a hearing today, Rep. Waxman highlighted a new report from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction regarding the dilapidated facilities at the Baghdad Police College, which the Army and the Parsons Company spent $75 million to build, as well as a new report by the Government Accountability Office identifying a record $3.5 billion in questioned and unsupported contractor charges in Iraq. Rep. Waxman called for a fundamentally new direction in Iraq.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Senior Democrats Urge Hastert to Hold Hearings on Increase in Global Terrorist Threat

House Democratic Leader Pelosi, Rep. Waxman, and other senior Democratic members today sent a letter to Speaker Hastert urging him to hold hearings on a new classified report by the nation’s 16 intelligence agencies reportedly concluding that the Bush Administration’s actions in Iraq are increasing the danger of terrorism against the United States, spawning a new generation of Islamic radicalism.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Rep. Waxman Requests Documents and Briefing on CPA Cronyism Allegations

In light of recent media reports contradicting Pentagon claims that political ideology played no role in hiring practices at the Coalition Provisional Authority, Rep. Waxman requests that the Pentagon produce documents related to the screening and hiring of "temporary political appointees" to fill key roles in the Iraq reconstruction effort.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Reps. Hoyer and Waxman Ask for Independent Investigation into CPA Hiring

Following reports of undue political influence in hiring employees for the Coalition Provisional Authority, Reps. Hoyer and Waxman call for an independent investigation.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rep. Waxman's Statement on Iraq Reconstruction Efforts

In a statement at a subcommittee hearing on Iraq reconstruction, Rep. Waxman says that the U.S.'s effort has been largely a failure and asks the Bush Administration and Congress to have an honest discussion on how to move forward.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Rep. Waxman Statement on Administration’s Strategy in Iraq

At a hearing today, Comptroller General David Walker called President Bush's national strategy for Iraq "inadequate," particularly with respect to benchmarks for a viable exit strategy. In Rep. Waxman’s statement at the hearing, he called for "specific, substantive, and straightforward" answers from the Administration on how the Administration plans to lead Iraq and the United States out of the war.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

New Contracts to Replace Halliburton Troop Support Contract

Rep. Waxman reveals that the Defense Department is moving to terminate Halliburton’s LOGCAP troop support contract and raises questions about aspects of the Department’s plans that fail to maximize competition and create potential for serious conflicts of interest.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Mar Iraq Reconstruction

Rep. Waxman today addressed the floor of the House of Representatives to highlight waste, fraud, and abuse in the reconstruction of Iraq. Despite $50 billion in expenditures, oil and electricity production remains well below pre-war levels. The Bush Administration's gross mismanagement of the war has wasted taxpayer dollars and produced lackluster results.

Click here to view video of Rep. Waxman speaking about Iraq.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Defense Department Plans to Block Transport of Gasoline to Iraq

In a letter to Secretary Rumsfeld, Rep. Waxman asks why the Defense Department recently decided to prohibit an American contractor from using a military border crossing to deliver essential fuels from Kuwait to Iraq.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Halliburton's Performance Under the Restore Iraqi Oil 2 Contract

At the request of Rep. Henry A. Waxman, this report examines Halliburton's performance under the Restore Iraqi Oil 2 (RIO 2) contract.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Reps. Waxman and Davis Request Comprehensive GAO Review RIO Contract

In a letter to the Government Accountability Office, Reps. Waxman and Davis ask GAO to examine the conditions surrounding the Reserve Iraqi Oil Contract (RIO) between KBR and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Rep. Waxman Calls for Subpoena of Documents on Halliburton Profits

In a letter to Chairman Davis, Rep. Waxman outlines over $250 million in cost reimbursements, profits, and bonuses that Halliburton has received from the Army Corps of Engineers for billings Defense Department auditors deemed unreasonable and unsupported. Rep. Waxman requests that the Committee subpoena key documents relating to Halliburton’s bonuses that the Defense Department has failed to provide.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Inspector General Report Confirms Iraq Reconstruction Still Failing

Rep. Waxman releases a fact sheet on a new report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction that reveals that, despite spending billions of taxpayer dollars, U.S. reconstruction efforts in key sectors of the Iraqi economy are not improving the lives of Iraqis.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Rep. Waxman Statement on the President's Speech on Iraq Reconstruction

Rep. Waxman explains that the President's description of "quiet, steady progress" in Iraq’s reconstruction is misleading and ignores the facts. Independent auditors confirm that billions of dollars have been squandered without increasing Iraq’s oil or electricity production. Yet the Administration has done nothing to halt rampant waste, fraud, and abuse in Iraq.

Friday, December 02, 2005

New Questions about Payments to Halliburton

In a letter to Chairman Tom Davis, Rep. Waxman discloses that the Army Corps of Engineers has paid Halliburton $130 million in cost reimbursements, profits, and bonuses for billings related to fuel imports and oilfield repairs in Iraq that Defense Department auditors determined to be unreasonable and unsupported.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Iraq Reconstruction Efforts Are Failing

A new report released by Rep. Waxman assesses the progress of reconstruction in Iraq. The report finds that despite the expenditure of billions of dollars, Administration objectives set two years ago have not been met and measurable improvements in the critical oil, electricity, and water sectors are small or nonexistent.

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