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Statements and Speeches

» Majority Leader Hoyer on Global AIDS Bill: U.S. Must Lead Fight Against this Global Challenge, April 02, 2008
Mr. Speaker, five years ago, the United States made an unprecedented commitment to the people of the world who suffer from HIV and AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
» Hoyer Statement on 40th Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., April 01, 2008
Mr. Speaker, forty years ago this Friday, Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered. He was an American prophet. He called us to love justice, to love our brothers and sisters of every color. He spoke the truth. But on April 4, 1968, he was taken from us.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on the FISA Amendments Act, March 14, 2008
Mr. Speaker, let me first say that every single Member of this body wants to enable our intelligence community to detect, disrupt and eliminate terrorists who have no compunction about planning and participating in the mass killings of innocent men, women and children.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on the Democratic Budget Resolution, March 13, 2008
Mr. Speaker, let me first thank the Chairman of the Budget Committee, John Spratt of South Carolina, for all of his hard work, patience and intelligence in producing this Democratic Budget Resolution – which is nothing less than a blueprint of our values and priorities.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Ethics Bill, March 11, 2008
. Speaker, I strongly support H. Res. 895, which embodies the thoughtful and hard work of the Special Task Force on Ethics Enforcement, chaired by Rep. Capuano.
» Hoyer Statement on Override Vote on President’s Veto of Intelligence Authorization Bill, March 11, 2008
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Mental Health Parity, March 05, 2008
Mr. Speaker, I strongly support this long-overdue, bipartisan legislation to end discrimination against patients seeking treatment for mental illnesses.
» Hoyer: Investments in Renewable Energy Today Will Increase Our Security Tomorrow, February 27, 2008
Mr. Speaker, this important legislation is an explicit recognition that our great nation must make critical investments today in the development of clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency – investments that will strengthen our national, economic and environmental security for generations to come.
» Majority Leader Hoyer on FISA Meeting: Democrats Working Quickly to Craft Strong, Bipartisan Legislation, February 15, 2008
Now, earlier today, I met with the Chairmen of the House and Senate Intelligence and Judiciary Committees to discuss our process for moving forward with legislation to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
» Hoyer Statement on Contempt of Congress Citations, February 14, 2008
Mr. Speaker, in 1885, a young scholar wrote an influential book about the United States Congress entitled ‘Congressional Government.’
» Hoyer Delivers Remarks at Lantos Memorial Service, February 14, 2008
Madame Speaker and colleagues, Madame Secretary and distinguished guests, Annette and family members: Today, we mourn the loss of a wonderful man – a giant both in this institution and internationally.
» Hoyer Statement on Extending FISA Legislation, February 13, 2008
» Hoyer Testimony on the ADA Restoration Act, January 29, 2008
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Protect America Act Extension, January 29, 2008
Today the House is voting on a 15-day extension of the Protect America Act.
» Majority Leader Hoyer: Stimulus Package Will Give Americans Help They Need, Strengthen Economy, January 29, 2008
Mr. Speaker, for several years, the American people were told our economy was roaring.
» Hoyer: It's Not Too Late to Do the Right Thing, Extend Health Insurance to Low-Income Children, January 23, 2008
» Hoyer: Democratic Congress on Track to Provide Agriculture Disaster Assistance, December 18, 2007
Congress is on course to pass a Fiscal Year 2008 Consolidated Appropriations bill that rejects the President’s misguided budget cuts and takes steps to reinvest in the priorities of our nation’s citizens – including those in rural America.
» Hoyer Statement on Energy Independence and Security Act, December 18, 2007
Mr. Speaker, this landmark, bipartisan legislation – the Energy Independence and Security Act – represents a vital turning point for our nation and an historic accomplishment for this Congress.
» Hoyer: Intelligence Authorization Strengthens Oversight, Invests in Critical Intelligence Programs, December 13, 2007
Mr. Speaker, I first want to thank the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, my good friend, Congressman Reyes of Texas, for all of his hard work on this legislation – the first Intelligence Authorization conference report that we have considered in three years.
» Hoyer Statement on Fiscally Responsible AMT Bill, December 12, 2007
» Hoyer: President Should Stop Playing Politics with Defense Employees, December 12, 2007
Let me say right at the top: Department of Defense workers are not going to be furloughed. That is not going to happen.
» Hoyer: AMT Bill Needs to Be Paid For, Rather Than Passing Debt to Future Generations, December 12, 2007
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) spoke at a press conference this morning with the Blue Dog Coalition to urge Senate Republicans to join House and Senate Democrats in supporting fiscally responsible AMT legislation.
» Hoyer: Historic Energy Bill Declares U.S. Independence From Foreign Oil, December 06, 2007
Let us hope, many years from now, that this day – December 6, 2007 – will be remembered by future generations as the date upon which this new direction 110th Congress took an historic step in moving our nation toward real energy independence and casting off the bonds of dependency that threaten America’s national, economic and environmental security.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Gives Remarks at AMT Panel Discussion, December 06, 2007
First, let me state the obvious: Without question, the Alternative Minimum Tax is not working as originally intended.
» Hoyer: Protecting Americans, Honoring American Values Not Mutually Exclusive Goals, November 15, 2007


Displaying Statements and Speeches 1 to 25 of 244
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-244

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