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Press Release

October 3, 2008

Susan Davis Statement on her Support for the Economic Rescue Bill

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) released the following statement on her support for the Economic Rescue Bill, H.R. 1424. The bill passed the House on a vote of 263 to 171.

“I am voting in favor of this bill because we must do something of consequence now that the crisis continues to unfold.  Time is not on our side.

“This bill is not a magic bullet but the cost of doing nothing will be far greater than the painful steps we take today.

“I am as frustrated as my constituents.  People are angry about economic the situation and they have every right to be.

“Although many of my constituents oppose this bill, the stories of people who want action have been compelling.

“One constituent wrote that she has supported two children alone and was able to do so by selling boxes for 22 years.  She says business is slowing down and if this issue is not resolved quickly, many families like hers will be badly impacted.

“Another letter was from a woman who recalled her mother talking about the Great Depression and was worried that we are headed in that direction.  I, too, heard many stories from my parents about how the Depression affected them and their families.

“San Diego County, which has one of the best credit ratings in the country, cannot sell bonds because of the frozen credit market.  The rescue package would add the liquidity that financial markets need.

“I did not come here to take the easy votes.  I came here to do what’s best for my constituents.  I will do everything in my power to help them keep their jobs, own their businesses, stay in their homes and send their kids to college.

“This vote is not the end of this issue.  I will continue to work for the needed reforms to make sure this never happens again.”