Congresswoman Betty McCollum - Minnesota's 4th District

Inauguration 2009

The 44th President will be sworn in on January 20th, 2009 on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. Each House and Senate office will receive a limited number of tickets to the Swearing-In Ceremony, many located in the standing areas west of the Capitol Complex on the National Mall. For more information on this historic event, please visit

Betty McCollum Recognizes World AIDS Day
Click here to read her statement

McCollum Honors America's Veterans
Click here to read her statement on Veterans Day

Rep. McCollum addresses the Minnesota Transportation Alliance about the need for increased federal investments in America's infrastructure. Click here to read her speech to the MTA's annual meeting.
Economic and Financial Crisis

McCollum Returns to Washington for Two Oversight Hearings on the Role of Credit Agencies & Regulators in the Financial Crisis

McCollum Questions Lehman CEO Richard Fuld on Bankruptcy Filing & Wall Street Collapse

U.S. House Passes the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (H.R. 1424) on a bipartisan vote of 263-171.  Read Rep. McCollum's statement in support of this important legislation.

McCollum Responds As Stock Market Plunges, Following Defeat of House Emergency Economic Bill

Statement by Rep. McCollum on the Bipartisan Economic Rescue Legislation "Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

To view the 5 point summary of the bipartisan bill--Click here

To view a section-by-section analysis of the bill--Click here

read more latest news               

Congresswoman McCollum joined Congressman Jim Ramstad and Members of the leadership at a rally with mental health advocates to urge final passage of the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act. This important legislation passed the U.S. House on Oct. 3, 2008 and was signed into law the same day by President Bush.

McCollum and Bostrom Tour St. Paul East Side Neighborhood to Assess Forclosure Crisis

"The housing crisis is real and homeowners need help now," McCollum says.
(July 23, 2008) The House passed the most comprehensive response yet to the American mortgage crisis. The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act will help families keep their homes, aid local communities hit hard by the foreclosure crisis and strengthen the economy and financial markets.
To read Betty’s floor statement, click here
Housing Legislation Overview:

One Year After I-35W Bridge Collapse,
McCollum Supports Bridge Reconstruction Bill

“On August 1, 2007, the I-35W Bridge in Minnesota America’s infrastructure. I commend Chairman James Oberstar for his strong leadership on transportation policy. He has put forth important legislation to address this national issue and I look forward to continuing to work with him to build a 21st century transportation system,” McCollum Said.

To read Betty's floor statement, click here
To read overview of the bill, click here



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